Releases: LimnoTech/pygeoapi
Releases · LimnoTech/pygeoapi
- Explicitly defines inheritance to avoid lazy loading zarrs twice upon loading collections.
- Still uses pydantic 2.0.
- Syncs to upstream (0.20.dev0)
Updates to enable parsing of STAC with STAC browser:
- Update type to "application/json"
- Add "id" to the content so that collections with collections within them (e.g., AIEM_permafrost) display with the proper name of that collection rather than the catalog id.
Adds "extent" and "license" information to hateoas provider content for compatibility with pystac.
- Sync with upstream pygeoapi (0.19.0dev)
- Revert pydantic to > 2.0
- Rollback of time querying fix in #5. @sjordan29 noted there is some additional work to be done on that logic before we push it to our production services.
- Implements a fix to the CORS issues on the Starlette App, (Issue #1740 in upstream)
Full Changelog: 0.16.dev0+limno.3-beta...0.16.dev0+limno.4-beta
What's Changed
- update time querying by @sjordan29 in #5
Full Changelog: 0.16.dev0+limno.2-beta...0.16.dev0+limno.3-beta
Interim fix for CRS variables
Interim fix to serve data with CRS data variable
v0.16.dev0+limno.1-beta updates to hateoas provider
- Updated data rendering for STAC collections that do not have items below them in the hateoas provider
- Additional changes from pygeoapi upstream main branch; relevant EDR-related fixes include:
- Swagger UI fixes
- Fixes to cube query
Beta S3 Storage
This release was used for deployment 1.4.2 in USGS's pygeoapi-builder repo. There were pre-PR changes to pygeoapi's ability to access data stored on S3/OSN.