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Releases: LilyBukkit/LilyBukkit-QA

LilyBukkit Alpha

13 Sep 17:52
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This update brings you:

  • Block placement + spawn protection bug fix
  • Extra logger newlines bug fix
  • Player left messages
  • Packet130RosepadMeta brandName fix
  • Additional log messages when a permission check, block removal (temporary) or a block placement denial is executed

LilyBukkit Alpha

08 Sep 10:51
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This hotfix brings the following changes:

  • Rosepad codebase updated to
  • Fixed PlayerPreLoginEvent calls
  • 'Fixed' Rosepad version recognition

Please report any issues you encounter to this project's issues section.

LilyBukkit Alpha

07 Sep 14:29
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Multiworld is here! Alongside improved world and chunk loading/generation. There isn't anything exact to document, tbh, so no thorough changelog is provided.

Only multiworld, world generation and chunk loading. Also Block handling in LBChunk and LBWorld is done properly.

Please report ANY issues you have to the issues of LilyBukkit-Core or in this release's discussion thread.

All the following updates are unlikely to bring anything new until RML is made, so the development priority will shift to bringing LilyBukkit to Alpha Unr.Preview2 and developing Nebula.

LilyBukkit Alpha

26 Aug 14:12
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Modding to the masses! Also improved compatibility for Vanilla, LPUJ and Rosepad versions other than


  • Added compatability with versions of Rosepad that use the 2nd version of ROSE extension
  • Added RML support


  • Transferred all things LilyBukkit to a separate org (btw check out the website: The LilyBukkit Project)
  • Updated base server to Rosepad
  • Added a counter when ticks are being run behind
  • Altered kick messages for ULPP authentication errors
  • Added additional logging messages if the player using ULPP and/or ROSE-compatible client
  • Replaced a SocketException on player disconnect with a simple logger message


  • Fixed SnakleYaml throwing exceptions every time the server was created
  • Fixed PLAYER_JOIN event failing to be passed
  • Fixed server message duplication

LilyBukkit Alpha

06 Aug 07:12
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The delayed LilyBukkit is finally here!
This update brings you some huge codebase changes, the most important of which are Bukkit objects for Worlds and Entities. Event calls are now functional as well.


  • Added a basic 'compatability layer' for plugins that depend on CraftBukkit instead of Bukkit
  • Added JOptSimple and JLine support
  • Added a basic update checker that will notify you if there's a new version


  • Commands /home, /iron and /wood are now handled by LilyBukkit, rather than Vanilla
  • Rosepad will now show correct information about the server core in the developer menu
  • Updated LilyBukkit API: 1.0.9 -> 1.1.1
  • Server should now properly shutdown when the process is killed
  • Entities now accept World instead of LBWorld in the constructor
  • You can disable UI by passing the --nogui argument


  • Fixed event calls
  • Fixed a bug when the server couldn't be stopped if another server was already running
  • Fixed a bug when org.bukkit.Player.getDisplayName() would crash the server
  • Fixed #13
  • Fixed #22
  • Fixed #24
  • Fixed #25
  • Fixed #28
  • Fixed #32
  • Fixed Rosepad version showing up as instead of

LilyBukkit Alpha

16 Jul 09:50
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An update to LilyBukkit has been released. The update will be applied when you update your server jar. The major changes include:

  • Added OfflinePlayer support! Now you can whitelist, ban and change op status of any player even if they have never connected to your server!


  • Added LBOfflinePlayer
  • Rewrote all chunk handling to work with ChunkProviderServer. This should exclude 'shadow' chunks from both Vanilla and Bukkit Chunk processing.
  • Requests for unloading chunks will now be fullfilled only when a 100 of such requests was made. This was done because ChunkProviderServer does not allow to mark a chunk for unloading.
  • Updated LilyBukkit-API: 1.0.7 -> 1.0.8


  • Fixed issue #11
  • Fixed issue #16
  • Fixed a bug when the plugins were disabled after the server finished starting.
  • Fixed a bug when the PlayerJoinEvent was not sent to some plugins.
  • Fixed a bug when the player joined the server message was followed by a red-coloured "5".

A reminder: This version may contain critical bugs. If you encounter one, report it at the issues section.

LilyBukkit Alpha

15 Jul 18:20
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  • Added YAML config support!
  • Added LBOfflinePlayer as an implementation of org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer


  • Updated LilyBukkit API: 1.0.4 -> 1.0.7


  • Fixed /reload command doing nothing (#4)
  • Fixed ItemStack handling (#5)
  • Fixed Block processing (#6)

What's also worth noting - some plugins can be installed without rewriting them.
I tested WorldEdit 4.7 and PermissionsBukkit 1.2 and while WorldEdit introduced a bunch of new issues I'm currently trying to solve, PB worked flawlessly.

A reminder: This version may contain critical bugs. If you encounter one, report it at the issues section.

LilyBukkit Alpha

14 Jul 10:11
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Only god knows how much I was happy to see this
After 30 days of hard development, hopefully, it's been worth the wait.

So. The first release of LilyBukkit. Big deal, huh? Well, not exactly. Let's start with the question:

Why in the world should I switch from a stable Rosepad Server to this unstable and unfinished pile of code?

It does support Bukkit Plugins! Although most of them will probably need to be rewritten in accordance with the LilyBukkit API version 1.0.4, which is available in its own GitHub repository.

What else, you ask? Permissions! Well, partially. There are basic permissions that are loaded by default and used in the code, and you can add your own permissions to the permissions.yml file. It also automatically loads the permissions of installed plugins. But if there is something related to permissions beyond this scope - it probably doesn't work.

Why release now?

I need to get feedback and test the server to find errors, but I don't have enough resources and knowledge to test all possible scenarios that could cause an exception or crash. In addition, testing requires writing plugins that use certain methods, and due to changes in the API, you most likely will not be able to simply put the 1.7.3-R3 plugin in the plugin directory and run it flawlessly.

Configuration support and multi-world support are missing in this release, and multi-world probably won't be present until version 2.0.0.

How to install?

Just create a folder for the server, put the jar there and run it via java -jar LilyBukkit-a1.0.0.jar (add nogui after the jar file if you want to get a purely CLI experience).
After the first run (it may print a bunch of Exceptions) edit the file according to your needs.

This release is a publicly available test build. It is not ready for production. Install it at your own risk