React is an open-source JavaScript library used for building user interfaces and UI components. You can find its documentation at
Next.js is a popular open-source framework/extension built on top of React. It is used for building server-rendered React applications and static websites. For more information, you can refer to its documentation at
- Clone the repository from git using the below command
git clone -b page-router
Copy .env.local.example -> .env.local & Update environments variables
Install packages from package.json
npm i
# or
npm install
If there is any obstruction in package installation, please check for Node version which supports Next.js.
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with the browser to see the result. If there is any obstruction in starting the node server, please check for Node version which supports Next.js or port which application is running.
- To generate the build run the below command
npm run build
Folder by name "out" will be created at the root level of the project directory.
Run "out" folder in local, Try
npx serve@latest out
- Deploy the "out" folder as static export build in the server.