A java program for calculating and outputing primes.
Choose between feature 1 or 2 (input must be a 1 or 2 or you will be asked to try again)
Feature 1 Program will ask for max/min input values, handle them defensively, and use them as a range. The program will then calculate and store primes within a list. The program will then print to console the list in a vertical readable fashion.
Feature 2 Initial input for choosing between a range or an amount of primes based on choice, provide furthur input (now can select a start point and number of primes). A list of size 'amount' of primes is calculated Program still outputs similarly.
Algorithm is relatively efficient in that it never iterated factor checking past squareroots of the number to be checked and doesn't continue checking if a factor is determined.
Code is all commented - some typos and bugs were fixed