- This repository includes essential scripts of the proposed framework RegionDCL in our paper: Urban Region Representation Learning with OpenStreetMap Building Footprints
- We fixed the population reproduction problem in NYC and released our processed downstream_region.pkl.
- We released all raw & projected dataset and the processing script that generates the ground truth data.
- We fixed the population task reproduction problem.
- The data/processed/Singapore/downstream_region.pkl wrongly uses the Singapore citizens data, which ignores permanent residents and foreigners that are common in Singapore.
- In our paper, we use more widely accepted WorldPop population data as ground truth. Now, we correct the file and our results on Singapore can be exactly reproduced.
- You can see from data_util/downstream/SingaporeSubzone to see how the ground truth is generated.
- With this repository, you can
- Quickly reproduce the results in the paper
- Quickly train the model and get the region embeddings of Singapore Subzones, and evaluate its performance.
Required for evaluation:
- Please use Miniconda or Anaconda
- python 3.7 or 3.8 are acceptable. Higher version is not tested.
- pytorch >= 1.5.1 with GPU (for train only). We use pytorch == 1.8.2
- geopandas == 0.9.0
- Can be easily installed with conda install geopandas
- sklearn == 1.1.2 (For evaluation purpose only. Other versions may be also acceptable)
- tqdm (For progress bar only. You can use any version)
- seaborn (For visualizing the bar in quality_analysis.py only)
For training, you need to add the following package:
pot == 0.8.2 (Python Optimal Transport Library for adaptive margin calculation)
And ensure you have roughly 16 GB GPU available memory (If not, you need to low down the batch size in the trainer.py)
- For your convenience, we randomly picked one embedding for each baseline into the /baselines/ folder.
- You can quickly evaluate all baselines versus our method.
- We strictly conduct experiments without any cherry-picking, so the result should be very close to that reported in our paper.
- Simply execute /evaluator/main_experiment.py. You should be able to see something like this:
=========================== Land Use Inference in Singapore ===========================
Baseline L1 std KL-Div std Cosine std
Urban2Vec 0.676 0.050 0.547 0.132 0.785 0.033
Place2Vec 0.639 0.045 0.480 0.074 0.808 0.025
Doc2Vec 0.692 0.043 0.513 0.073 0.773 0.027
GAE 0.748 0.034 0.543 0.048 0.767 0.022
DGI 0.597 0.039 0.368 0.048 0.846 0.020
Transformer 0.542 0.040 0.331 0.052 0.859 0.021
RegionDCL-no random 0.522 0.045 0.306 0.046 0.869 0.021
RegionDCL-fixed margin 0.509 0.031 0.298 0.039 0.874 0.014
RegionDCL 0.495 0.036 0.281 0.039 0.882 0.017
- Try --task pop, you can get:
=========================== Population Density Inference in Singapore ===========================
Baseline MAE std RMSE std R-Square std
Urban2Vec 6487.310 562.799 8674.112 989.720 0.331 0.104
Place2Vec 6843.648 600.236 9501.109 853.687 0.141 0.128
Doc2Vec 6818.389 416.066 9135.961 562.911 0.209 0.059
GAE 7006.395 818.177 9467.563 1141.608 0.144 0.133
DGI 6282.033 567.734 8233.419 892.947 0.346 0.127
Transformer 6556.571 915.317 8667.137 1190.557 0.253 0.092
RegionDCL-no random 5896.042 733.596 8165.986 1240.533 0.336 0.103
RegionDCL-fixed margin 5863.208 612.696 7982.024 817.545 0.357 0.114
RegionDCL 5591.122 570.922 7502.129 551.069 0.427 0.109
- The main_experiment.py has the following options:
- --city: can be Singapore or NYC
- --task: can be land or pop
- --partition: can be default (in Singapore this will be subzones, in NYC will be census tract) or grid(2km * 2km)
- Note that grid partition only works in Singapore
Simply execute /evaluator/quality_analysis.py. You should be able to see the picture in the paper like this:
The following options are available:
- --city: can be Singapore or NYC
- --task: can be land or pop
- Unzip the building_feature.7z in the data/processed/Singapore.
- This is the feature extracted by model/resnet.py
- So alternatively, you can use the script to train the resnet and generate new features. Timm library is needed.
- Run main.py. The following options are available:
- --city: can be Singapore or NYC (The preprocessed NYC data will be available very soon)
- --no_random: use this to disable random point sampling.
- --fixed: use this to disable the proposed adaptive margin.
- --save_name: the name of the building pattern embedding file. By default it is pattern_embedding
- For more options, please refer to the main.py.
- After trained, you will get a new embedding file in the /embeddings/Singapore/
- The newly generated embeddings will be named RegionDCL_20.pkl, You can run experiment/evaluator.py with proper test_path to evaluate it. please change the filename in the script accordingly.
- We offered the preprocessing code for input shapefile. In principle it can be used for any OSM data.
- You need rasterio to rasterize the building polygons.
- Use this if something wrong: conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/ioos rasterio
- The raw and projected dataset (both NYC and Singapore, projected via ArcGIS): Google Drive
- The preprocess code will automatically convert buildings to images (in forms of numpy 0-1) for you, but please extract the NYC building polygons features to data/processed/NYC/building_features.npy with resnet.py on your own, as NYC has too many buildings inconvenient for us to upload.
├── baselines # Randomly picked embeddings from other baselines for comparison
├── data
| ├── raw === Raw data of Sinagpore and NYC. Please download and decomporess the file from the Google Drive above.
| ├── projected === Projected data of Sinagpore and NYC.
| └── processed === Store the processed data for model training.
├── data_util
| ├── dataset.py === Pytorch dataset for the model
| ├── grid.py === Poisson Disk Sampling algorithm
| └── preprocess.py === Turn the input data into model accepted data.
├── embeddings === Save the generated embeddings
├── experiment
| ├── evaluator.py === MLP and RandomForest for land use population density inference
| └── main_experiment.py === Generate the main experiment result in default partition (Singapore Subzone, NYC Census Tracts) and grids.
| └── quality_analysis.py === Analyze the embedding quality with respect to the building and POI amount.
├── model
| ├── adaptive_triplet.py === The proposed adaptive margin in triplet loss
| ├── biased_attention.py === The proposed distance-biased self-attention
| ├── regiondcl.py === Model, regular transformers.
| ├── resnet.py === Use rasterized buildings to get building features.
| └── trainer.py === Train the proposed model.
└── main.py === run and get region embeddings!