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Online Demo:

An elegant backend API of LNTU Course Management Information System and LNTU Students Quality Expansion Activity Management System.

How to deploy

  1. Clone this repo to the local workspace: git clone

  2. Change to its root directory, then installing requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  3. Copy config-template.yaml to config.yaml, then filling your own db and account config in.

  4. (Optional) Run tests with pytest: python3 -m pytest

  5. Run Server: python3 -m uvicorn app.main:app --reload

  6. Then you can inspect the swagger docs of local API in your browser: http://localhost:8000/


  • With Python crawling student's info:

    • login
    • exam score
    • personal information
    • teaching plannings
    • course table
    • class room
    • exam plannings
    • CET scores
    • public notice
    • school calendar
  • Others:

    • SunnyRunning(AiPao app)
    • Student Quality expansion Spider
    • Water-card Balance


  1. MySQL(5.7+) or Mariadb(10.3+)
  2. Python(3.7+)


GPL v3

注意:对于基于本项目 衍生、再发行的所有项目、所有子节点项目和使用了 LNTU-API 提供的部分开源组件 的项目,其需公开注明 LNTU-API 标识。

Note: ALL projects (including but not limited to any derivatives and/or the subprojects of this project) which use parts or all of the open-source components from LNTU-API should bear an explicit and clear reference to LNTU-API.