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This repository contains wmake style makefiles and patches to build Lua on Open Watcom 1.9 or later. This allows Lua to be cross-compiled for several legacy Operating Systems including real-mode DOS.

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Lua for Open Watcom

This repository contains wmake style makefiles and patches to build Lua on Open Watcom 1.9 or later. The primary goal was to allow Lua scripts to be run on DOS systems in real mode but has expanded to include all Open Watcom targets that don't require external dependencies to build.

Runtime Requirements

Lua for Watcom binaries can run on a number of legacy systems as well as some modern ones.

Absolute Minimum Requirements

These are the absolute lowest system requirements needed for a PC to run LUA16.EXE.

Type Requirement Remarks
CPU 8086 compatible
Compatibles like
the Intel 8088, NEC V20,
286, 386 etc

Machine emulators
provided as an alternative
for other ISAs
86Box (GitHub)
DOSBox-X (GitHub)
PCem (GitHub)
Operating System PC-DOS 2.0 FreeDOS
DOSBox-X (GitHub)
Random Access Memory At least 512 kilobytes
of base system memory
Any memory above
640 kilobytes is
inaccessible to all
real mode DOS programs
Storage At least 150 kilobytes
of free disk space
Can be ran directly
from a diskette on
machines without a
hard drive

Binary Native Targets

Since Open Watcom can produce binaries for several operating systems, each binary has been given a unique name to distinguish the native Operating System (OS) and Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) it is intended for.

Binary Name Native OS Native ISA
LUA16.EXE Real mode DOS 8086
LUA21.EXE OS/2 1.2 80286
LUA22.EXE OS/2 2.0 80386
LUA4G.EXE DOS4GW extender 80386
LUANT.EXE Windows 95 80386

Binary Compatibility Matrix

Some OSes can run binaries intended for another out of the box. Do keep in mind, however, that in most of these cases the OS is newer and has higher minimum requirements.

Operating System Minimum OS ISA(s) LUA16.EXE LUA21.EXE LUA22.EXE LUA4G.EXE LUANT.EXE
DOS 2.x - 4.x
Windows 1.x - 3.x
8086 Yes No No No No
DOS 5.x - 7.x 8086
Yes No No No
OS2 1.0 - 1.1 80286 Yes No No No No
OS2 1.2 - 1.3 80286 Yes Yes No No No
OS2 2.x 80386SX Yes Yes Yes No No
OS2 3.x 80386SX Yes Yes Yes Yes No
OS2 4.x 80486SX Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Windows 95 80386SX Yes No No Yes Yes
Windows 98 80486DX
Yes No No Yes Yes
Windows 2000 - ME 80586 No No No No Yes
Windows XP 80586
No No No No Yes
Windows Vista - 10 80686
No No No No Yes
Windows 11 x86_64 No No No No Yes

Build Requirements

To build Lua with Open Watcom you will need the following:

Requirement Sources
Lua 5.4 source code (or build machine with git submodules) (GitHub)
Open Watcom 1.9 (or later) (GitHub)
SvarDOS (PKGNET repository)
Operating System supported by Open Watcom
(at least MS-DOS 5.0)
DOSBox-X (GitHub)
80386 compatible processor*
*Any AMD or Intel CPU 
made in the last 3 decades
is compatible.

Machine emulators provided
as an alternative for other ISAs
86Box (GitHub)
DOSBox-X (GitHub)
PCem (GitHub)
Qemu (GitLab)
A patching utility GNU Patch

If in doubt, DOSBox-X can be used on a modern machine

How to build

  1. Extract Luas source code to the Lua folder. This can be achieved in two ways:

    • Use git submodules init then git submodules update --recursive to get the sources directly from the Lua mirror repository
    • Download the Lua 5.4.x sources tarballs from, extract them and copy all files in src to Lua
  2. Patch the source code for Watcom (optional):

    GNU Patch DifPat
    patch -p0 -i lua.pat pat lua.pat .

    If no patching program is available mimic the changes in each .pat file manually. Patch changes are minimal and only serve to silence Watcom compiler warnings

  3. Build Lua with the following commands:

    Make Command Binary File System Processor
    wmake -f wm_dos16.mak dist/bin/lua16.exe PC-DOS 2.0+ 8086/8088 or later
    wmake -f wm_dos4g.mak dist/bin/lua4g.exe MS-DOS 5.0+ 80386 or later
    wmake -f wm_os216.mak dist/bin/lua21.exe OS/2 1.2 80286 or later
    wmake -f wm_os232.mak dist/bin/lua22.exe OS/2 2.0 80386 or later
    wmake -f wm_winnt.mak dist/bin/luant.exe Windows 95+ 80386 or later

Other targets may work but are untested


This repository contains wmake style makefiles and patches to build Lua on Open Watcom 1.9 or later. This allows Lua to be cross-compiled for several legacy Operating Systems including real-mode DOS.




