Releases: LeonidVolohov/JSONEditor
Releases · LeonidVolohov/JSONEditor
v1.0.0 (🎂 First Release)
Release of the application with the following functionality:
- Opening an existing JSON file
- Editing a JSON file: Adding new elements and their sub-elements (strings, numeric values, booleans, objects and lists); Deleting items; Opening the second window of the program if the element name of the first column has the name "file" and the element name of the third column matches the standard JSON file extension (example_name.json)
- Opening a JSON file from under the program
- Saving the changes made in the program to an opened JSON file
- "Save as" file
- "Updating" the file by loading the file again into the program
- Expanding tree elements to several specified levels: Compress tree elements; Expand all items; Expand to 1, 2 or 3 child levels
- Changing the color of root objects, lists and other types to several predefined colors: No color; Yellow; Orange; Red; Green; Blue; Purple; Gray
- Search for specified information in a JSON file with the ability to search in a case-sensitive manner and search the entire tree or only the column "Value"
- Support for two languages of the program interface and QTreeVeiw items language: Russian; English