This project is the backend part of a web app related to a university. You can find frontend here
More specifically, the structure that has been followed is:
The controller classes are responsible for processing incoming REST API requests, preparing a model, and returning the view to be rendered as a response. @RequestMapping annotation on the class defines a base URL for all the REST APIs created in this controller. @RestController on the class is a combination of @Controller which tells Spring Boot that this class is a controller and @ResponseBody which indicates that the return value of the methods inside the controller will be returned as the response body for the REST API. Also, service is injected as a dependency using @Autowired annotation (dependency injection).
The service component contains business logic. Each of these methods will call JpaRepository methods extended by Repository.
Repositories generated in order to be executed the CRUD operations. CRUD is an acronym that stands for the four basic operations of the database - Create, Read, Update, Delete. Every single repository extends JpaRepository. There are two parameters passed to the JpaRepository - first parameter is the model class that will be managed by this repository, second is the data type of the primary key.
The JpaRepository interface provided by Spring Data JPA makes it possible for the repository class to retrieve, update, delete records in every table.
This interface also defines methods such as save(), findAll() , delete(), to operate on the database. The implementation of these methods is provided by the default implementation class called SimpleJpaRepository.
DTO, which stands for Data Transfer Object, is a design pattern conceived to reduce the number of remote calls that are expensive.
It is a collection of classes, that you will need to use later instruction. Hibernate (Java mapping tool) refers to these classes as Entities. Fetch each Entity from Hibernate, create a table to map its fields, and it will then act as a managed entity for your Database.