- Introduction
- Pre-requisites
- Installing the Lenddo SDK
- Initializing Lenddo SDK
- Running the Demo Applications
- Lenddo Mobile Data Collection
- Connecting Social Networks and eKYC
The Lenddo SDK (lenddosdk module) allows you to collect information in order for LenddoEFL to verify the user's information and enhance its scoring capabilities. The Lenddo SDK connects to user's social networks and also collects information and mobile data in the background and can be activated as soon as the user has downloaded the app, granted permissions and logged into the app.
Make sure you have Android Studio properly setup and installed, please refer to the Google Developer site for the instructions Android Studio Download and Installation Instructions. Use API28 Build tools as minimum.
Before incorporating the Lenddo SDK into your app, you should be provided with the following information:
- Partner Script ID
Please ask for the information above from your LenddoEFL representative. If you have a dashboard account, these values can also be found there.
There may be also other partner specific values that you are required to set.
- Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Lenddo:android-lenddo:v2.4.1'
- Sync Gradle
In your applications AndroidManifest.xml file, inside the application key, add the following metadata:
<!-- partner script id is mandatory -->
<meta-data android:name="partnerScriptId" android:value="@string/partner_script_id" />
Or if you wish to have separate partner script id on each module (Data, Onboarding, and VerifiMe), you would have to declare a partnerScriptId tag for each.
<!-- partner script id for Mobile Data collection -->
<meta-data android:name="dataPartnerScriptId" android:value="@string/data_partner_script_id" />
<!-- partner script id for Social Network onboarding -->
<meta-data android:name="onboardingPartnerScriptId" android:value="@string/onboarding_partner_script_id" />
<!-- partner script id for Document Verification with Verifi.Me -->
<meta-data android:name="verifiMePartnerScriptId" android:value="@string/verifi_me_partner_script_id" />
In your strings.xml put your partnerscript_id resource string.
<string name="partner_script_id">ASK_YOUR_LENDDO_REPRESENTATIVE_FOR_THIS_VALUE</string>
<!--individual partner script id-->
<string name="data_partner_script_id">ASK_YOUR_LENDDO_REPRESENTATIVE_FOR_THIS_VALUE</string>
<string name="onboarding_partner_script_id">ASK_YOUR_LENDDO_REPRESENTATIVE_FOR_THIS_VALUE</string>
<string name="verifi_me_partner_script_id">ASK_YOUR_LENDDO_REPRESENTATIVE_FOR_THIS_VALUE</string>
In your Application class initialize Lenddo core info as shown below
package com.sample.app;
import android.support.multidex.MultiDexApplication;
import com.lenddo.mobile.core.LenddoCoreInfo;
public class SampleApp extends MultiDexApplication {
public void onCreate() {
// do other Lenddo stuff after init
To see how to use the demo applications, click this link.
For mobile data collection guide, click this link.
For onboarding your Social Networks accounts with LenddoEFL and using the eKYC feature, click this link.