The final PHP project aims to implement a system for registration and attendance tracking for the Computer Programming School (Greek: ΣΠΗΥ). The system will cater to various roles with specific capabilities assigned to each role.
- Add, modify, or remove students
- Add, modify, or remove classes/series
- Add, modify, or remove students in classes
- Ability to add optional documents to document student absences
- Ability to modify attendance/absence records
- View pupil absences by:
- Day (by class and by reason for absence)
- Week (by department and by reason for absence)
- Month (by section and by reason for absence)
- Total series (by section and by reason for absence)
- View documentation for selected absences
- Enter student absences per day
- Enter reason for absence and attach documents to document student absences
- View an aggregated daily table prior to absence entry
Reasons for absence can include:
- Illness
- Exemption due to duty
- Regular leave of absence
- Other (expandable to include all types of leave students can take)
Each status modification should be timestamped with the user who made the modification (the last modification).