This project is developed entirely by Liam Price in order to pass the VET IT SAT. The overall function of this software is to act as a Control Panel for my Exploration Robot. The actual Arduino code that runs on the Robot is contained in another Repo here:
So this project ended up winning the VCE Top Designs for VET Integrated Technologies! It is currently on display in the Melbourne Museum, you can view it here in a virtual tour:
And here is a little article they posted about it:
And lastly here is an embarrassing interview they posted of me where I say 'umm' more than anything else:
Here is a YouTube video with a basic demonstration of the system: YouTube Video
And here is a link to the engineering and design folio for this project: Engineering Folio
Project is created with:
- PyCharm Community Edition
- MQTT (paho-mqtt): 1.5.0
- tkinter
To run this project, download it:
Go To Releases
Download as ZIP
Install all the required modules from requirements.txt (should be automatic in PyCharm)
Run or open the entire folder in your Python IDE
Alternatively download the latest commit if you want to see what stage I am up to.