Releases: Leclowndu93150/Nomi-CEu-Modern
Alpha v0.1.4
What's Changed
- Updated Water Condenser, fixing issues with it
- Added Wireless Chargers
- Updated a variety of other mods
- Overhauled RPC
- EnderIO Tank clear recipe
- Work on endgame recipes
- Further texture work
- Recipe Fixes
- Questbook fixes
- A variety of other fixes
Alpha v0.1.3b
...he did in fact, not test it.
- Updated Classic Steam Dynamo, fixing issues with it not properly mining
- Backpacks now properly keep their items when upgraded
- Added the Creative Tank Fabricator
- We now have automated builds in the actions tab
- Recipe Fixes
Alpha 0.1.3a
Fixed custom recipes not loading
Switched the Stirling Dynamo to the Steam Dynamo from 1.12.2
I swear i tested this before releasing
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.3a
Alpha v0.1.3
- Chisel Reborn deleted the mod verison the manifest was using, so that's been fixed.
- WIP Draconic Infusion Reactor, the standin for fusion until DE is ported. The code will be recycled into a post-tank multiblock
- Fixed EMI Issue
- Cherry Saplings and Mangrove Propagules can now be bought
- Bountyboard tweaks, numbers subject to change
- Removed SGJ, led to progression breaks and frankly ripping off GTNH is lame
- Lots of Texture, Questbook, and Recipe Work
Issue with KJS found, refer to hotfix.
Alpha v0.1.2
What's Changed
- EMI has replaced REI
- Fixed Gregtech tool durability bars being invisible
- Fixed the duplicate items issue
- Removed empowerment multiblock in favor of just giving the crafting core early as a temp measure (multiblock logic may be recycled down the line)
- Added Draconic Evolution (mostly nonfunctional ATM, but we do have the items at least)
- Draconic Evolution Quests
- Numismatic Dynamos now generate the correct amount of energy (refer to above message if playing on a preexisting world)
- Make phenol recipe use steam tag so that gtceu steam can be used
- Questbook theme
- Iron Chests is being deprecated
- Keys can now be put on toolbelts
- The beginning of the retexturing
- EMI Cleanup
- Many Recipe Fixes
- Many Questbook Fixes
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
Alpha v0.1.1
Hotfix for some recipe and questbook issues.
Alpha v0.1.0
The Greenhouse has been added, able to grow all the crops and trees you could ever need.
Thermal's insolator has been reworked to now be a earlygame greenhouse, able to passively acculate wood with negligable power cost, elimating the need to constantly chop more trees.
ULV covers have been added, to help with earlygame item and fluid movement (you can even buy them with nomicoins!)
Framing Templates have been added, a twist on the Hand Framing Tool from NFu.
Midgame progression has been completed.
Lategame progression is halfway done, waiting on a DE port
ExtendedAE items are now easier to craft.
Vaccumator now has a proper recipe, along with thermal's item filter.
Lost cities chests now have loot.
Ender Chests and tanks have been added.
AE2 fixes.
Microminer recipes.
Much questbook work (reload your questbook!)
Many recipe fixes
Alpha 0.0.6
Fixes not being able to import 0.0.4 nor 0.0.5 into Curseforge
Alpha v0.0.5
Fixes the mining bug, caused by nuclearcraft
Also fixes the prospector bug, also caused by nuclearcraft
Alpha v0.0.4
Fixed item stacking issue
Fixed watercondenser not dropping itself
Added Sophisticated Storage and Sophisticated Backpacks, rebalanced a bit to better fit the pack
Dynamos are now reversed if placed while sneaking
Updated various mods
Further progress on Midgame chapter recipes
Various recipe fixes
Trophies are now given when certain milestone are reaches
Questbook work