This is a repo as part of a blog post on how to achieve creating a web form that submit's users files to a temporary folder on your Node.js app's server.
-express -multer -body-parser
FORK /CLONE Get over to github and clone or fork/clone… (if you want to help me make it better, (yes, please!)) … my demo repository for this solution.
INSTALL NPM PACKAGES Once cloned locally, run an npm install from your command line (bash/terminal) in the root folder where App.js is.
npm install
RUN THE APP I included the nodemon package in this project, so to run this solution on your localhost just type the following code. As you make changes, nodemon will automatically re-run it for you -neato, huh?
nodemon App.js
VIEW/TEST LOCAL Visit http://localhost:3000 in your web browser to check out this solution.