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Theme has many features to help you get started with Laravel
- Create theme with artisan CLI
- Configuration
- Basic usage
- Compiler
- Render from string
- Compile string
- Symlink from another view
- Basic usage of assets
- Preparing group of assets
- Partials
- Working with regions
- Preparing data to view
- Breadcrumb
- Widgets design structure
- Using theme global
The first time you have to create theme "default" structure, using the artisan command:
php artisan theme:create default
If you change the facade name you can add an option --facade="Alias".
To delete an existing theme, use the command:
php artisan theme:destroy default
the type can be php, blade and twig.
Create from the applicaton without CLI.
Artisan::call('theme:create', ['name' => 'foo', '--type' => 'blade']);
After the config is published, you will see the config file in "config/theme", but all the configuration can be replaced by a config file inside a theme.
Theme config location: /public/themes/[theme]/config.php
The config is convenient for setting up basic CSS/JS, partial composer, breadcrumb template and also metas.
'events' => array(
// Before event inherit from package config and the theme that call before,
// you can use this event to set meta, breadcrumb template or anything
// you want inheriting.
'before' => function($theme)
// You can remove this line anytime.
$theme->setTitle('Copyright © 2016 - lavalite.org');
// Breadcrumb template.
// $theme->breadcrumb()->setTemplate('
// <ul class="breadcrumb">
// @foreach ($crumbs as $i => $crumb)
// @if ($i != (count($crumbs) - 1))
// <li><a href="{{ $crumb["url"] }}">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</a><span class="divider">/</span></li>
// @else
// <li class="active">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</li>
// @endif
// @endforeach
// </ul>
// ');
// Listen on event before render a theme,
// this event should call to assign some assets,
// breadcrumb template.
'beforeRenderTheme' => function($theme)
// You may use this event to set up your assets.
// $theme->asset()->usePath()->add('core', 'core.js');
// $theme->asset()->add('jquery', 'vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js');
// $theme->asset()->add('jquery-ui', 'vendor/jqueryui/jquery-ui.min.js', array('jquery'));
// $theme->partialComposer('header', function($view)
// {
// $view->with('auth', Auth::user());
// });
// Listen on event before render a layout,
// this should call to assign style, script for a layout.
'beforeRenderLayout' => array(
'default' => function($theme)
// $theme->asset()->usePath()->add('ipad', 'css/layouts/ipad.css');
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Theme;
class HomeController extends Controller {
public function getIndex()
$theme = Theme::uses('default')->layout('mobile');
$view = array(
'name' => 'Litepie'
// home.index will look up the path 'resources/views/home/index.php'
return $theme->of('home.index', $view)->render();
// Specific status code with render.
return $theme->of('home.index', $view)->render(200);
// home.index will look up the path 'resources/views/mobile/home/index.php'
return $theme->ofWithLayout('home.index', $view)->render();
// home.index will look up the path 'public/themes/default/views/home/index.php'
return $theme->scope('home.index', $view)->render();
// home.index will look up the path 'public/themes/default/views/mobile/home/index.php'
return $theme->scopeWithLayout('home.index', $view)->render();
// Looking for a custom path.
return $theme->load('app.somewhere.viewfile', $view)->render();
// Working with cookie.
$cookie = Cookie::make('name', 'Tee');
return $theme->of('home.index', $view)->withCookie($cookie)->render();
Get only content "$theme->of('home.index')->content();".
Finding from both theme's view and application's view.
$theme = Theme::uses('default')->layout('default');
return $theme->watch('home.index')->render();
To check whether a theme exists.
// Returns boolean.
To find the location of a view.
$which = $theme->scope('home.index')->location();
echo $which; // themer::views.home.index
$which = $theme->scope('home.index')->location(true);
echo $which; // ./public/themes/name/views/home/index.blade.php
Theme now supports PHP, Blade and Twig. To use Blade or Twig template you just create a file with extension
[file].blade.php or [file].twig.php
// Blade template.
return $theme->string('<h1>{{ $name }}</h1>', array('name' => 'Litepie'), 'blade')->render();
// Twig Template
return $theme->string('<h1>{{ name }}</h1>', array('name' => 'Litepie'), 'twig')->render();
// Blade compile.
$template = '<h1>Name: {{ $name }}</h1><p>{{ Theme::widget("WidgetIntro", array("userId" => 9999, "title" => "Demo Widget"))->render() }}</p>';
echo Theme::blader($template, array('name' => 'Litepie'));
// Twig compile.
$template = '<h1>Name: {{ name }}</h1><p>{{ Theme.widget("WidgetIntro", {"userId" : 9999, "title" : "Demo Widget"}).render() }}</p>';
echo Theme::twigy($template, array('name' => 'Litepie'));
This is a nice feature when you have multiple files that have the same name, but need to be located as a separate one.
// Theme A : /public/themes/a/views/welcome.blade.php
// Theme B : /public/themes/b/views/welcome.blade.php
// File welcome.blade.php at Theme B is the same as Theme A, so you can do link below:
// ................
// Location: public/themes/b/views/welcome.blade.php
// That's it!
Add assets in your route.
// path: public/css/style.css
$theme->asset()->add('core-style', 'css/style.css');
// path: public/js/script.css
$theme->asset()->container('footer')->add('core-script', 'js/script.js');
// path: public/themes/[current theme]/assets/css/custom.css
// This case has dependency with "core-style".
$theme->asset()->usePath()->add('custom', 'css/custom.css', array('core-style'));
// path: public/themes/[current theme]/assets/js/custom.js
// This case has dependency with "core-script".
$theme->asset()->container('footer')->usePath()->add('custom', 'js/custom.js', array('core-script'));
You can force use theme to look up existing theme by passing parameter to method: $theme->asset()->usePath('default')
Writing in-line style or script.
// Dependency with.
$dependencies = array();
// Writing an in-line script.
$theme->asset()->writeScript('inline-script', '
$(function() {
', $dependencies);
// Writing an in-line style.
$theme->asset()->writeStyle('inline-style', '
h1 { font-size: 0.9em; }
', $dependencies);
// Writing an in-line script, style without tag wrapper.
$theme->asset()->writeContent('custom-inline-script', '
$(function() {
', $dependencies);
Render styles and scripts in your layout.
// Without container
echo Theme::asset()->styles();
// With "footer" container
echo Theme::asset()->container('footer')->scripts();
Direct path to theme asset.
echo Theme::asset()->url('img/image.png');
Some assets you don't want to add on a page right now, but you still need them sometimes, so "cook" and "serve" is your magic.
Cook your assets.
Theme::asset()->cook('backbone', function($asset)
$asset->add('backbone', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/backbone.js/1.0.0/backbone-min.js');
$asset->add('underscorejs', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.4.4/underscore-min.js');
You can prepare on a global in package config.
// Location: config/theme/config.php
'events' => array(
// This event will fire as a global you can add any assets you want here.
'asset' => function($asset)
// Preparing asset you need to serve after.
$asset->cook('backbone', function($asset)
$asset->add('backbone', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/backbone.js/1.0.0/backbone-min.js');
$asset->add('underscorejs', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.4.4/underscore-min.js');
Serve theme when you need.
// At the controller.
Then you can get output.
<?php echo Theme::asset()->scripts(); ?>
<?php echo Theme::asset()->styles(); ?>
<?php echo Theme::asset()->container('YOUR_CONTAINER')->scripts(); ?>
<?php echo Theme::asset()->container('YOUR_CONTAINER')->styles(); ?>
Render a partial in your layouts or views.
// This will look up to "public/themes/[theme]/partials/header.php"
echo Theme::partial('header', array('title' => 'Header'));
// Partial with current layout specific.
// This will look up up to "public/themes/[theme]/partials/[CURRENT_LAYOUT]/header.php"
echo Theme::partialWithLayout('header', array('title' => 'Header'));
Finding from both theme's partial and application's partials.
echo Theme::watchPartial('header', array('title' => 'Header'));
Partial composer.
$theme->partialComposer('header', function($view)
$view->with('key', 'value');
// Working with partialWithLayout.
$theme->partialComposer('header', function($view)
$view->with('key', 'value');
}, 'layout-name');
Theme has magic methods to set, prepend and append anything.
$theme->setTitle('Your title');
$theme->appendTitle('Your appended title');
$theme->prependTitle('Hello: ....');
// or
$theme->set('foo', 'foo');
Render in your layout or view.
// or use place.
Theme::place('foo', 'default-value-if-it-does-not-exist');
// or
Check if the place exists or not.
<?php if (Theme::has('title')) : ?>
<?php echo Theme::place('title'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
// or
<?php if (Theme::hasTitle()) : ?>
<?php echo Theme::getTitle(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Get argument assigned to content in layout or region.
// or
// To check if it exists
Theme::place('content') is a reserve region to render sub-view.
Sometimes you don't need to execute heavy processing, so you can prepare and use when you need it.
$theme->bind('something', function()
return 'This is bound parameter.';
Using bound data on view.
echo Theme::bind('something');
In order to use breadcrumbs, follow the instruction below:
$theme->breadcrumb()->add('label', 'http://...')->add('label2', 'http:...');
// or
'label' => 'label1',
'url' => 'http://...'
'label' => 'label2',
'url' => 'http://...'
To render breadcrumbs.
echo $theme->breadcrumb()->render();
// or
echo Theme::breadcrumb()->render();
You can set up breadcrumbs template anywhere you want by using a blade template.
<ul class="breadcrumb">
@foreach ($crumbs as $i => $crumb)
@if ($i != (count($crumbs) - 1))
<li><a href="{{ $crumb["url"] }}">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</a><span class="divider">/</span></li>
<li class="active">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</li>
Theme has many useful features called "widget" that can be anything.
You can create a widget class using artisan command:
Creating as a global.
php artisan theme:widget demo --global --type=blade
Widget tpl is located in "resources/views/widgets/{widget-tpl}.{extension}"
Creating a specific theme name.
php artisan theme:widget demo default --type=blade
Widget tpl is located in "public/themes/[theme]/widgets/{widget-tpl}.{extension}"
The file name can be demo.php, demo.blade.php or demo.twig.php
Now you will see a widget class at /app/Widgets/WidgetDemo.php
<h1>User Id: {{ $label }}</h1>
echo Theme::widget('demo', array('label' => 'Demo Widget'))->render();
use Litepie\Theme\Contracts\Theme;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
class BaseController extends Controller {
* Theme instance.
* @var \Litepie\Theme\Theme
protected $theme;
* Construct
* @return void
public function __construct(Theme $theme)
// Using theme as a global.
$this->theme = $theme->uses('default')->layout('ipad');
To override theme or layout.
public function getIndex()
// or just override layout