PK Spots is a Progressive Web App done with React, Redux and Typescript where you can save your favorite Parkour spots, edit them, and discover spots created by other users.
Frontend: React | Redux | PWA | Styled Components | Typescript | Jest | Cypress
Backend: NodeJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | Mongoose | JWT | Jest | Supertest
Design: Figma
Tools: Postman | Trello
npm install
npm run start
npm run coverage
/ ----------------- Explore ---------- Spot list /my-spots --------- My Spots --------- Spots created by the user /spot-discovered -- Spot Discovered -- Create spot /profile/:id ------ User Profile ----- Shows the given id's user profile /spots/:id -------- Spot Details ----- Shows the given id's spot details /login ------------ Login ------------ Login existing user /register --------- Register --------- New user