🔭 I’m currently learning Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Data Science.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Machine Learning & Data Science projects.
⚡ Fun fact: I have a deep passion for music, but my singing voice is so uniquely 'mine' that even my showerhead begs for earplugs.😁🚿🎶
3D Mapper - Repository
- This is a 3D plotting device made for short-range object detection powered by ATmega 2560.
Analog Wall Following Robot - Repository
- This is a wall-following robot made using only analog electronics.
Multi-Room-Sound-System - Repository
- This is an IoT-integrated smart sound system powered by ESP32-S3-WROOM-1.
Smarty Plug - Repository
- This is an IoT-integrated smart extension cord powered by ATmega328 & ESP8266.
Agni Robot - Repository
- This is a robot powered by Arduino Mega 2560, capable of doing various tasks in robotics competitions.
Movie-Recommender-System - Repository
- This ML model recommends movies that may align with the user's preferences based on TF-IDF matrix.
Olympic-Medal-Count-Prediction - Repository
- This ML model predicts the medal count for various countries in the Olympic Games using Linear Regression.
Stock-Market-Price-Prediction - Repository
- This ML model predicts the price of the S&P500 Stock Market Index using RandomForestClassifier.
Real-Time-Speech-Recognition - Repository
- This is a system that records live speech using the microphone and then transcribes using speech recognition.
Dog-Classification - Repository
- This is an end-to-end deep learning project using Tensorflow and Keras for dog classification.
Multiview Triangulation - Repository
- This is based on 'Practical Global Optimization for Multiview Geometry' research paper
Face-Recognition - Repository
- This is a basic face recognition system using Python, OpenCV, and the face recognition library.
Hand-Gesture-Math-Solver - Repository
- This is a real-time hand gesture recognition system using Python, OpenCV, and Gemini AI by Google.
Workout Buddy - Repository
- This is a fitness tracking app built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack.
Foody - Repository
- This is restaurant website built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flask.
- EN3150-Pattern-Recognition - Repository
- EN3160-Image-Processing-&-Computer-Vision - Repository
- EN3251-Internet-of-Things - Repository
- CS2023-Data-Structures-&-Algorithms - Repository
- EN2031-Computer-Organization-&-Design - Repository
- EN2150-Communication-Network-Engineering - Repository