Adds an option in the 'View' menu to auto-reload the current file.
If you don't have the headers for your kate version retrieve them like
git clone git:// kate_headers -b v4.12.1
and change the first variable in the Makefile.
First build support object by running
This object makes setModifiedOnDiskWarning() available to the plugin.
Symlink this directory, and the .desktop, into the right places using
make install
ln -s $(pwd) ~/.kde4/share/apps/kate/pate/okular_plugin
ln -s $(pwd)/katepate_okular_plugin.desktop ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/
then you just need to enable 'Python Plugins' and this plugin in settings.
You'll need build-essentials and python-sip.
If you can't find kate includes in your distribution, you will also need git.
Debian does not seem to have a package for the includes.
- Alt + R Toggle Auto-Reload