My dotfiles for command-line interface on Arch linux.
gnome-keyring settings required.
See: Wiki
# Install arch official packages and aur packages(see below `Depend on` list).
# Options can be ignored.
# If you want to use cloud such as dropbox, gdrive, etc..,
# setup rclone(see: Arch wiki) and edit ./bin/
# (In my case run on i3 startup)
# nginx is used to check debugging using path mappings, for example in PHP (even docker).
# ranger is a vim-like filer.
# Use neomutt and postfix in local mail delivery(See Arch wiki for postfix settings).
# (In my case I use it to logwatch and notify system errors from services.)
# (Also, it is not used in wsl.)
yay -S <dependent packages>
cd ~
# If you fail, make sure the way may have changed(see: github).
git clone --depth 1 .local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
git clone .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
vi .gitconfig
email = <your email address>
name = <your user name>
# For localization, see below `Localization`.
vi .config/neomutt/neomuttrc
set my_name="<your name>"
# Install zsh plugins and some packages from github or script.
# If you are not using zsh, run `chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh'.
exec zsh
# Install rustup, ghcup, mise tools, ruby bundle, php composer, etc...
# If you fail, make sure the way may have changed(See: github).
source ~/.zshrc
# Add rust components.
rustup component add clippy llvm-tools rls rust-analysis rust-analyzer rust-docs rust-src rustfmt
# Set ghc, hls, stack.
ghcup tui
# Install haskell packages.
stack install haskell-dap ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter hlint apply-refact fourmolu
# Install neovim plugins and create helptags,
# and install lsp, dap in your programming languages
# (if you are unsure, see below `neovim Plugins, LSP, DAP` list).
# Finally, All OK except WARNING from Whichkey.
# (No problem because it is an extension of the standard command)
vi +PackerSync
:helptags ALL
See: Arch Wiki - Docker
See: Arch Wiki - Minikube
See: github - kind
See: Wiki
See: Wiki
- android-tools
- android-udev
- aspnet-runtime
- aspnet-targeting-pack
- azure-cli
- bemenu
- certbot
- certbot-nginx (optional)
- certbot-dns-cloudflare
- clang
- colordiff
- cppcheck
- curl
- docker (optional)
- docker-buildx
- docker-compose
- docker-rootless-extras
- nvidia-container-toolkit (optional) (for NVIDIA CUDA user)
- dotnet-host
- dotnet-runtime
- dotnet-sdk
- dotnet-targeting-pack
- git
- gnome-keyring
- libsecret
- groovy
- jdk-openjdk
- lldb
- lua
- luacheck
- luajit
- luarocks
- minikube (optional)
- argocd
- istio
- kubernetes-tools
- helm
- helmfile
- neomutt (optional)
- neovim
- python-pynvim
- nginx (optional)
- openssh
- php
- php-* (apcu, gd, sqlite, pgsql, redis, imagick, fpm)
- postfix (optional) (localhost only for neomutt)
- python3
- ranger (optional)
- rclone (optional)
- gdrive
- dropbox
- onedrive
- pcloud
- mega
- source-highlight
- sqlite
- tidy
- w3m
- xclip
(I use Linux Desktop Environment so this is it, see
:h clipboard
in nvim) - xdebug
- zsh
- zshdb
- android-apktool
- azcopy
- azure-functions-core-tools
- bashdb
- codelldb
- debtap
- google-java-format
- jdk
- neovim-drop-in
- yay
- ghcup
- ghc
- hls
- stack
- haskell-debug-adapter
- haskell-dap
- ghci-dap
- hlint
- apply-refact
- fourmolu
- haskell-debug-adapter
- mise
- actionlint
- biome
- buf
- bun
- cmake
- dart
- delta
- deno
- dotnet (official)
- dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
- dotnet-ef
- dotnet-outdated-tool
- dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
- linux-dev-certs
- powershell
- roslynator.dotnet.cli
- dprint
- fd
- flutter
- fzf
- github-cli
- gitui
- go
- checkmake
- delve
- golangci-lint
- gradle
- groovy (local)
- hadolint
- java (local)
- jq
- jwt
- jwtui
- kind
- kotlin
- ktlint
- lua (local)
- maven
- neovim
- node
- @antfu/ni
- @devcontainers/cli
- neovim
- prettier
- sass
- yarn
- php (see also: composer.json)
- protoc
- python (local, see also: .default_python_packages)
- debugpy
- cmakelang
- codespell
- cpplint
- flawfinder
- pipx
- pytest
- python-build
- sqlfluff
- ripgrep
- ruby (see also: GemFile)
- ruff
- rye
- shfmt
- shellcheck
- stylua
- terraform
- tfsec
- tmux
- tree-sitter
- uv
- yamllint
- yq
- rustup
- cargo
- cargo-binstall
- cargo-cache
- cargo-update
- cargo-watch
- jaq
- clippy
- llvm-tools
- rls
- rust-analysis
- rust-analyzer
- rust-docs
- rust-src
- rust
- rustc
- rustfmt
- cargo
- Edit
export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
# change your locale
- Edit
sectionformat = "%b %d日 (%a) %H:%M"
# change your locale
- There is fcitx5 setting in
- It works installed (it won't work unless).
- If you are ibus user, edit to your setting.
- It works installed (it won't work unless).
- For Japanese
- HackGen Console NF
- MesloLGS NF
Name | Description |
---|---| | mount cloud script. |
update-*.sh | update local package scripts. |
- bash
- zsh
- python
- lua
- git
- neovim