A small set of Ruby scripts written to work with the aviglitch Rubygem. This code was borrowed from their example page.
In order to run these scripts, you'll need the aviglitch Rubygem installed. You can download a fork from my GitHub here and compile it by running in its directory:
gem install aviglitch
The README file for aviglitch has further usage details.
These scripts, and by extension, aviglitch, read in AVI files. So how are you supposed to use these on all your modern codec using, modern containerized videos? Fret not; a simple ffmpeg command in your favorite terminal will do the trick:
ffmpeg -i /path/to/your/video file.avi
Afterwards, you can use ffmpeg to do the same in reverse in order to get a web-ready version of the video to show off to your friends!
ffmpeg -i out.avi moshed-video.mp4 (replace moshed-video.mp4 with whatever you want to call the file)
smol-mosh.rb - Does some minor datamoshing
big-mosh.rb - You're gonna see some wild results!
superdatamosh.rb - The Big One... this script will trash your video something absolutely fierce!
Try and take file I/O params when you run the scripts; right now the scripts are hardcoded to take a file named 'file.avi' and output 'output-smol.avi', 'output-big.avi', and 'output-super.avi', respectively.
Anything else?