- Fixes for width mobile
- Improved blockquote for mobile
- Added New variable '--clamp-section'
- Added Column Count
- Improved Grid Top and Grid Bottom
- Add margin-b-xx for bottom margin
- Introduce .ratio-x-x for standard ratio
- Added .lead for bigger text on paragraph
Added col-1, col-2 .. col-12 for specific column size.KIV- Adjusted the button sizing to make sense. 1.5 is too big.
- Added a.link-body for body color link (Done)
- Change in Padding, Margin & Space Sizes (refer to respective guide)
- Add Grid for Table and Mobile (refer to Grid)
- Add color to overide a behaviour
- Grid fix
- Added Link white and grey
- Addition of 6 colors (Off colors and Shades of Grey)
- Font sizes to match perfect fifth (based on type-scale.com)
- Improved button sizing (added btn-long)
- Improved Grid to make it expandable right away
- Added .bg-{color}. Works like color, only for BG
- Added display None classes for lg, md, sm
- Added Margin class (margin-v-XX)
Systematic approach to web development instead of manually adding padding, margin and sizing.
- Designed to fit 1400px screen
- Full 12 grid size 1312px with 80px Column and 32px Gutter; Total is 112px per Column.
- Break even point
- Desktop: 1312px (-xl) e.g. pad-xl-s
- Tablet: 992px (-lg) e.g. pad-lg-s
- Landscape: 768px (-md) e.g. pad-md-s
- Portrait/ Mobile: 480px (-sm) e.g. pad-sm-s
- Get color code from Mycolorspace (https://mycolor.space/)
- Change the variable in line 26-47
- Load the CSS first before style.css
- Grid systems
- Improvement on .btn, adding btn-white
New grid system adds easier to code from design.
CSS | Grid Behavior | Application |
.grid-2 | Creates 2 columns | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-3 | Creates 3 columns | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-4 | Creates 4 columns | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-5 | Creates 5 columns | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-6 | Creates 6 columns | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-1-2 | Creates 1 then 2 spacing (2 columns) | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-1-3 | Creates 1 then 3 spacing (2 columns) | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-2-1 | Creates 2 then 1 spacing (2 columns) | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-2-3 | Creates 2 then 3 spacing (2 columns) | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-3-1 | Creates 3 then 1 spacing (2 columns) | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-3-2 | Creates 3 then 2 spacing (2 columns) | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-xl-reverse ,.grid-lg-reverse | Reverse the order in 992px size. Apply to child grid. | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-l-reverse ,.grid-md-reverse | Reverse the order in 768px size. Apply to child grid. | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-m-reverse ,.grid-sm-reverse | Reverse the order in 480px size. Apply to child grid. | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-top | Aligns the grid items to be at top | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-bottom | Aligns the grid items to be at top | Apply to parent div or container |
Grid Responsive Overide
CSS | Grid Behavior | Application |
.grid-md-1 | Overide to 1 space in tablet | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-md-2 | Overide to 2 space in tablet | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-md-3 | Overide to 3 space in tablet | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-md-4 | Overide to 4 space in tablet | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-sm-1 | Overide to 1 space in mobile | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-sm-2 | Overide to 2 space in mobile | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-sm-3 | Overide to 3 space in mobile | Apply to parent div or container |
.grid-sm-4 | Overide to 4 space in mobile | Apply to parent div or container |
Applying Gap in Grid
CSS | Grid Behavior | Application |
.gap-xs | Creates gap of 16px | Apply to same div as .grid class is applied |
.gap-s | Creates gap of 24px | Apply to same div as .grid class is applied |
.gap-m | Creates gap of 32px | Apply to same div as .grid class is applied |
.gap-l | Creates gap of 48px | Apply to same div as .grid class is applied |
.gap-xl | Creates gap of 64px | Apply to same div as .grid class is applied |
Font size is determined by 16px, 8 pt system and Geometric Pattern. Applied to any text
CSS | Calculated Size |
.text-xxxl | 120px |
h1, .text-xxl | 80px |
h2, .text-xl | 54px |
h3, .text-l | 36px |
h4, .text-m | 24px |
.text-body | 18px |
h5, h6, .text-s | 16px |
.text-xs | 12px |
h1 h2 h3 default line height: 1em, letter spacing: -0.025
CSS | what it does |
.text-larger | current font size x2 |
.text-smaller | current font size x 0.875 |
.text-lighter | font text weight 100 |
.text-light | font text weight 200 |
.text-bold | font text weight 700 |
.text-bolder | font text weight 900 |
.text-italic | font text italic |
.text-oblique | font text oblique |
.text-underline | font text underline |
.text-underline-wavy | font text underline |
.text-underline-dotted | font text underline-dotted |
.text-underline-double | font text underline-double |
.text-underline-dashed | font text underline-dashed |
.text-overline | font text overline |
.text-line-through | font text line-through |
.text-uppercase | font text uppercase |
.text-lowercase | font text lowercase |
.text-capitalize | font text capitalize |
.text-left | font text left align |
.text-center | font text center align |
.text-right | font text right align |
.text-justify | font text justify aling |
.text-none | font text decoration-none |
CSS | what it does |
.primary | change color to primary |
.primary-off | change color to primary |
.secondary | change color to secondary |
.secondary-off | change color to secondary |
.accent | change color to accent |
.accent-off | change color to accent |
.base | change color to base |
.white | change color to white |
.grey | change color to grey |
.grey-dark | change color to grey-dark |
.grey-mid | change color to grey-mid |
.grey-light | change color to grey-light |
.black | change color to black |
.body-color | change color to body-color. |
.body-offset | change color to body-offset |
Color Code Name | Description |
Primary | it should be the color you want people to remember you by |
Secondary | complementing colors the primary |
Accent | Complete opposite to the primary colors |
Base | The main website background color |
Grey | Use as logically possible |
Body color | Main text color |
Body Off | Use it for lesser importance |
Apply at Div. Don't apply it to section. All elements in Div (child) is subjected to space. Similar name: Owl system
CSS | What it does |
.space-v-s | adds margin top child 16px |
.space-v-s | adds margin top child |
.space-v-m | adds margin top child |
.space-v-l | adds margin top child |
.space-v-xl | adds margin top child |
Use if for inline elemental level (tiny details). Apply at Div. Don't apply to section and grids. All elements in Div (child) is subjected to space. Similar name: Owl system
CSS | What it does |
.space-h-xs | adds margin left child 16 px |
.space-h-s | adds margin left child |
.space-h-m | adds margin left child |
.space-h-l | adds margin left child |
.space-h-xl | adds margin left child |
This can be applied to Divs. Based on 12 grid, 112px per column minus 32px. To be used as main container.
CSS | What it does |
.width-xs, .width-2 | Size of 2 columns, 192px |
.width-s, .width-25, .width-3 | Size of 3 columns, 304px (25%) |
.width-m, .width-4 | Size of 4 columns, 448px |
.width-l, width-50 ,.width-6 | Size of 6 columns, 640px (50%) |
.width-xl, .width-8 | Size of 8 columns, 864px |
.width-9 | Size of 9 columns, |
.width-xxl, .width-10 | Size of 10 columns, 1088px |
.width-11 | Size of 11 columns, |
.width-12 | Size of 12 columns, |
.width-full, .width-100 | 100% full width |
.card | looks like card layoout |
For Medium screen (tablet) assumes max 4 columns
CSS | What it does |
.width-lg-1 | 1 of 4 column |
.width-lg-2 | 2 of 4 column |
.width-lg-3 | 3 of 4 column |
.width-lg-4 | 4 of 4 column/ full column |
For small screen (mobile) assumes max 4 columns
CSS | What it does |
.width-sm-1 | 1 of 4 column |
.width-sm-2 | 2 of 4 column |
.width-sm-3 | 3 of 4 column |
.width-sm-4 | 4 of 4 column/ full column |
This add padding all around div.
CSS | What it does |
.pad-xs | adds padding all |
.pad-s | adds padding all |
.pad-m | adds padding all |
.pad-l | adds padding all |
.pad-xl | adds padding all |
.pad-xxl | adds padding all |
.pad-xxxl | adds padding all |
This add padding top and bottom. (with default left-right 16px)
CSS | What it does |
.pad-v-xs | adds padding vertically, top and bottom |
.pad-v-s | adds padding vertically, top and bottom |
.pad-v-m | adds padding vertically, top and bottom |
.pad-v-l,.pad-v | adds padding vertically, top and bottom |
.pad-v-xl | adds padding vertically, top and bottom |
CSS | What it does |
.pad-h-xs | adds padding horizontally, left and right |
.pad-h-s, .pad-h | adds padding horizontally, left and right |
.pad-h-m | adds padding horizontally, left and right |
.pad-h-l | adds padding horizontally, left and right |
.pad-h-xl | adds padding horizontally, left and right |
You can use variable xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl, xxxl or clamp for example
#div-box { margin : var(--xs)}
#div-box { margin: var(--clamp-xl)}
Ratios can be applied to div and images
CSS | Grid Behavior | Application |
.ratio-1-1 | 1 x 1 | Apply to image or div container |
.ratio-2-3 | 2 x 3 | Apply to image or div container |
.ratio-3-2 | 3 x 2 | Apply to image or div container |
.ratio-3-4 | 3 x 4 | Apply to image or div container |
.ratio-4-3 | 4 x 3 | Apply to image or div container |
.ratio-16-9 | 16 x 9 | Apply to image or div container |
Remove the padding at certain breakpoint
CSS | What it does |
.pad-lg-0, .pad-xl-0, .pad-xl-none | Removes padding at 1312px |
.pad-md-0, .pad-lg-0, .pad-lg-none | Removes padding at 992px |
.pad-md-none, .pad-l-none, .pad-md-0 | Removes padding at 768px |
.pad-sm-none, .pad-m-none, .pad-sm-0 | Removes padding at 480px |
CSS | What it does | Application |
.section-pad-s | adds padding 48px top and bottom | Apply to section only |
.section-pad-m | adds padding 96px top and bottom | Apply to section only |
.section-pad-l | adds padding |
Apply to section only |
.section-pad-xl | adds padding 192px top and bottom | Apply to section only |
CSS | What it does | Application |
.center-all | centers everything in container, vertical and horizontal | Apply to div |
.center-h | centers element to horizontal | Apply to div |
.center-v | centers element to vertical | Apply to div |
.center-self, .align-center | applies margin auto | Apply to div |
.align-right | aligns div to right | Apply to div |
CSS | What it does |
.sticky | Stick up |
.sticky-top-s | from top 2.5% |
.sticky-top-m | from top 5% |
.sticky-top-l | from top 10% |
CSS | What it does |
.btn-primary | Rounded button with primary color |
.btn-secondary | Rounded button with secondary color |
.btn-accent | Rounded button with accent color |
.btn-white | Rounded button with white color |
.btn-outline | Outline rounded button with color |
.btn-xs | Button size based on font size 12px |
.btn-s | Button size based on font size 16px |
.btn-m | Button size based on font size 24px |
.btn-l | Button size based on font size 32px |
.btn-long | Button are longer horizontally |
CSS | What it does |
Link default color is primary color | |
.link-primary | Font color primary (just in case) |
.link-secondary | Font color is secondary |
.link-accent | Font color is accent |
CSS | What it does |
.rounded-s | Border radius of 4px |
.rounded-m | Border radius of 8px |
.rounded-l | Border radius of 16px |
.rounded-xl | Border radius of 32px |
.rounded-xxl | Border radius of 64px |
.rounded-circle | Border radius of 50% |
- Table - Based on MVP
- Blockquote - Based on MVP
- Form - Based on MVP
- ul li ol li - Based on MVP
- Animate – All links are animated
CSS | What it does |
.columns-2 | Splits the text into two |
.columns-3 | Splits the text into three |