Afk.Expression is an expression parser/evaluation. Expression is parse only once and use to evaluate differents inputs (variables, constants, functions). This library can be used to generate SQL Expression to be used with Entity Framework.
The library is compatible with netstandard2.0
The easiest way to install is by using NuGet.
This library allows you to enter complex expressions which will be evaluated and calculated on demand.
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("5 * (3 + 8)");
>>> 55
String and boolean expression can be evaluated too
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("'one ' + 'and' + ' two'");
>>> one and two
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("true or false");
>>> true
By default the ^ is the logical exclusive OR operator. You can change its behavior by using the operator type Arithmetic
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("4^2", OperatorType.Arithmetic);
>>> 16
Use the function @D to specify date with the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. You can specify AM and PM indicator too.
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("@D(2022-03-08) + 1", OperatorType.Arithmetic);
>>> 09/03/2022 00:00:00
Add and substract a number of whole and fractional days with operators + and -
@D(2022-08-05) + 1.5
@D(2022-08-05) - 7
Expression allows you to use variables evaluated on execution
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("5 * x2 + y");
eval.AddVariable("x"); eval.AddVariable("y");
eval.UserExpressionEventHandler += (s, e) => {
if (e.Name == "x")
e.Result = 8d;
else if (e.Name == "y")
e.Result = 5d;
>>> 325
Constants can be added to the expression
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("pi");
eval.AddConstant("pi", 3.14);
>>> 3.14
External function can be defined
private void OnFunctionHandler(object sender, UserFunctionEventArgs e)
if (e.Name == "Concat")
e.Result = string.Join("", e.Parameters);
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("Concat('The ', 'dogs ', 'barks') + '.'");
eval.UserFunctionEventHandler += OnFunctionHandler;
>>> The dogs barks
You can define custom operand to intercept binary operation on user expression if default operation don't meet your needs.
class CustomStringOperand : ICustomOperand
private readonly string customValue;
public CustomStringOperand(string customValue)
this.customValue = customValue;
public object HandleOperation(string @operator, object otherOperand, bool isLeftOperand)
if (@operator == "+" && otherOperand != null)
return (isLeftOperand) ? $"{customValue}/{otherOperand}" : $"{otherOperand}/{customValue}";
return string.Empty;
private void OnFunctionHandler(object sender, UserFunctionEventArgs e)
if (e.Name == "val1")
e.Result = new CustomStringOperand("dogs");
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("val1 + 'cats'");
eval.UserFunctionEventHandler += OnFunctionHandler;
>>> dogs/cats
Expression can be used to generate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression to request DbContext. You need to define a ILambdaExpressionProvider which provides expression on your entity.
class MyLambdaProvider : ILambdaExpressionProvider
public Expression GetExpression(ParameterExpression parameter, string propertyName)
if (propertyName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Property(parameter, nameof(Student.Name));
else if (propertyName.Equals("Age", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return null;
Gets the expression with the extension method ToLambda on your expression :
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("name='john'", CaseSensitivity.None);
eval.UserExpressionEventHandler += evalProperties.Evaluate;
var lambda = eval.ToLambda<Student, bool>(new MyLambdaProvider());
var result = myContext.Students.Where(lambda).ToList();
The ILambdaExpressionProvider enables you to override operators.
By default the like operator use the Contains method translate to CHARINDEX sql function. To overide this operator use the following definition :
class MyLambdaProvider : ILambdaExpressionProvider
public Expression GetExpression(Expression left, string operand, Expression right)
if (operand == "like")
var method = typeof(DbFunctionsExtensions).GetMethod("Like", new[] { typeof(DbFunctions), typeof(string), typeof(string) });
MethodCallExpression like = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Call(method, Expression.Constant(EF.Functions), left, right);
return like;
return null;
ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval("name like '8000%'", CaseSensitivity.None);
eval.UserExpressionEventHandler += evalProperties.Evaluate;
var lambda = eval.ToLambda<Student, bool>(new MyLambdaProvider());
>>> "s => value(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbFunctions).Like(s.Name, \"8000%\")"