This is SARASA GOTHIC, a CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans.
It is highly recommended to completely remove the old version of the fonts before you install the newer version of this font. Many OSes' and softwares' caching system may have trouble when dealing with large TTC fonts.
You need Node.js (version 20 or newer), AFDKO (latest) and ttfautohint installed, then run:
npm install
after the NPM packages are installed, run
npm run build ttf
to build the TTF files, it would be in out/ttf
To build TTC, type
npm run build ttc
instead, the files would be in out/ttc
Please note that you will need a lot of memory to create TTCs, due to the huge quantity of subfamily-orthography combinations.
- Style dimension
- Orthography dimension
: Classical orthographySC
: Regional orthography, following Source Han Sans notations.