->Oh my posh makes your shell looks like
(and that's the time you scream "AMAZING!")
Theme: Dracula.
Font: Caskaydia cove Nerd font mono Propo.
I have some tools like python, rust and vim. Running `cargo install viu`, you got viu tool that do that:Of course theres some crazy glitches, like the gray and white blocks next of rainbow dash, but it's usable and make it looks like Kitty
This is my vim setup, with dracula and vundle. (I ❤ Vim)
I have some default Vundle's Plugins (like fugitive), and vim-javascript.
Can't forget of neofetch! (yes, i said neofetch)
Just type pip install neofetch-win
on your terminal and hit enter!
Look at that:
That's crazy bro!
I also installed GoLang here! You can download the MSI and install, or download the zip and define the PATH variable(What i did) It don't have any difference. It's the same thing
My desktop don't have much things, but you will like that:It's GlazeWM!
I'm using my own settings calles Frappe, using some catppuccin based colors.
Here's my YAML
inner_gap: 20
outer_gap: 20
# Whether to show floating windows as always on top.
show_floating_on_top: false
height: "30px"
position: "top"
opacity: 1.0
background: "#5d4b48"
foreground: "#CC6B6B"
font_family: "Segoe UI"
font_size: "13px"
padding: "4px 6px"
offset_x: "0"
offset_y: "0"
border_radius: "0"
- type: "workspaces"
focused_workspace_background: "#ef9f76"
displayed_workspace_background: "#00000033"
default_workspace_background: "transparent"
- type: "window title"
- type: "tiling direction"
label_horizontal: "⮂"
label_vertical: "⮁"
background: "#ffffff33"
margin: "0 4px"
padding: "0 8px"
- type: "binding mode"
background: "#ffffff33"
margin: "0 4px 0 0"
padding: "0 8px"
- type: "clock"
# Documentation on formatting date/time string:
# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/custom-date-and-time-format-strings
time_formatting: "hh:mm tt ddd MMM d"
margin: "0 0 0 10px"
- name: "1"
- name: "2"
- name: "3"
- name: "4"
- name: "5"
- name: "6"
- name: "7"
- name: "8"
- name: "9"
# Task Manager requires admin privileges to manage and should be ignored unless running
# the WM as admin.
- command: "ignore"
match_process_name: "Taskmgr"
# Launches system dialogs as floating by default (eg. File Explorer save/open dialog).
- command: "set floating"
match_class_name: "#32770"
# Some applications (eg. Steam) have borders that extend past the normal border size.
- command: "resize borders 0px -7px -7px -7px"
match_process_name: "steam"
- name: "resize"
# Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount.
- command: "resize width -2%"
bindings: ["H", "Left"]
- command: "resize width +2%"
bindings: ["L", "Right"]
- command: "resize height +2%"
bindings: ["K", "Up"]
- command: "resize height -2%"
bindings: ["J", "Down"]
# Press enter/escape to return to default keybindings.
- command: "binding mode none"
bindings: ["Escape", "Enter"]
# Shift focus in a given direction.
- command: "focus left"
bindings: ["Alt+H", "Alt+Left"]
- command: "focus right"
bindings: ["Alt+L", "Alt+Right"]
- command: "focus up"
bindings: ["Alt+K", "Alt+Up"]
- command: "focus down"
bindings: ["Alt+J", "Alt+Down"]
# Move focused window in a given direction.
- command: "move left"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+H", "Alt+Shift+Left"]
- command: "move right"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+L", "Alt+Shift+Right"]
- command: "move up"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+K", "Alt+Shift+Up"]
- command: "move down"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+J", "Alt+Shift+Down"]
# Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount.
- command: "resize width -2%"
binding: "Alt+U"
- command: "resize width +2%"
binding: "Alt+P"
- command: "resize height +2%"
binding: "Alt+O"
- command: "resize height -2%"
binding: "Alt+I"
# As an alternative to the resize keybindings above, resize mode enables resizing via
# HJKL or arrow keys. The binding mode is defined above with the name "resize".
- command: "binding mode resize"
binding: "Alt+R"
# Change tiling direction. This determines where new tiling windows will be inserted.
- command: "tiling direction toggle"
binding: "Alt+V"
# Change focus between floating / tiling windows.
- command: "focus mode toggle"
binding: "Alt+Space"
# Change the focused window to be floating / tiling.
- command: "toggle floating"
binding: "Alt+Shift+Space"
# Change the focused window to be maximized / unmaximized.
- command: "toggle maximized"
binding: "Alt+X"
# Minimize focused window.
- command: "set minimized"
binding: "Alt+M"
# Close focused window.
- command: "close"
binding: "Alt+Shift+Q"
# Kill GlazeWM process safely.
- command: "exit wm"
binding: "Alt+Shift+E"
# Re-evaluate configuration file.
- command: "reload config"
binding: "Alt+Shift+R"
# Launch CMD terminal (alternatively `exec wt` or `exec %ProgramFiles%/Git/git-bash.exe`
# to start Windows Terminal and Git Bash respectively.
- command: "exec cmd"
binding: "Alt+Enter"
# Focus the workspace that last had focus.
- command: "focus workspace recent"
binding: "Alt+Y"
# Focus the next/previous workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- command: "focus workspace next"
binding: "Alt+T"
- command: "focus workspace prev"
binding: "Alt+Shift+T"
# Change focus to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- command: "focus workspace 1"
binding: "Alt+1"
- command: "focus workspace 2"
binding: "Alt+2"
- command: "focus workspace 3"
binding: "Alt+3"
- command: "focus workspace 4"
binding: "Alt+4"
- command: "focus workspace 5"
binding: "Alt+5"
- command: "focus workspace 6"
binding: "Alt+6"
- command: "focus workspace 7"
binding: "Alt+7"
- command: "focus workspace 8"
binding: "Alt+8"
- command: "focus workspace 9"
binding: "Alt+9"
# Move focused workspace to a monitor in a given direction.
- command: "move workspace left"
binding: "Alt+A"
- command: "move workspace right"
binding: "Alt+F"
- command: "move workspace up"
binding: "Alt+D"
- command: "move workspace down"
binding: "Alt+S"
# Move focused window to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- commands: ["move to workspace 1", "focus workspace 1"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+1"
- commands: ["move to workspace 2", "focus workspace 2"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+2"
- commands: ["move to workspace 3", "focus workspace 3"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+3"
- commands: ["move to workspace 4", "focus workspace 4"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+4"
- commands: ["move to workspace 5", "focus workspace 5"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+5"
- commands: ["move to workspace 6", "focus workspace 6"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+6"
- commands: ["move to workspace 7", "focus workspace 7"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+7"
- commands: ["move to workspace 8", "focus workspace 8"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+8"
- commands: ["move to workspace 9", "focus workspace 9"]
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+9"]
This is not all folks!
I have more things, and now i'm showing how to install!
- What you need?
- Powershell 7 or above
- Windows 10 32 bits machine or above
- Cargo, pip, vim and others
- A litle bit of patience
- Scoop and other tools
So run this:
git clone https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Install.git
cd Install
.\install.ps1 -ScoopDir 'C:\Applications\Scoop' -ScoopGlobalDir 'C:\GlobalScoopApps' -NoProxy
This will install scoop!
Now run that:
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
scoop install Cascadia-Code
This will make a freaking installation of Cascadia-Code Nerd, which is probally the best nerd font ever!
Now run:
iwr -useb https://luismagaiver341.github.io/Brisa-Dotfiles-/Setup.ps1 | iex
(Rustup in 32 bits)
Installing GlazeWM will create a folder in ~\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\lars-berger.GlazeWM_Microsoft.Winget.Source_(Any crazy token)
So then copy this path and add to PATH variable or create a shortcut and add it to PATH, just run .\My_cool_shortcut(may be GlazeWM) --config="PATH_TO__FRAPPE_YAML(may be ~\.glaze-wm\frappe.yaml)"