Dumps the content of a leveldb to stdout and into 3 different dat files (str4files, decoded and uncoded content) to the current working directory.
Use leveldbdump.py -d ../../path/to/leveldb
pip install leveldb
$ ./leveldbdump.py --help
usage: leveldbdump.py [-h] [-d LEVEL_DB_PATH]
leveldbdump.py dumps the content of a leveldb to stdout and into 3 different
dat files (str4files, decoded and uncoded content) to the current working
directory. Use `leveldbdump.py -d ../../path/to/leveldb` or it will create a
dump of './leveldb' - https://github.com/bithon/python-leveldbdump
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to database directory
$ sudo ./leveldbdump.py -d ../path-to-app/lib/leveldb
===================== BEGIN ====================
key: graceful_shutdown
====================== END =====================
===================== BEGIN ====================
key: b'trigger_graceful_shutdown'
====================== END =====================
Begin print undecoded record, total:0
End print undecoded record.
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 157 Mär 2 23:06 leveldbdump.py_decodedCookieContent.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 165 Mär 2 23:06 leveldbdump.py_str4bytesCookieContent.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mär 2 23:06 leveldbdump.py_undecodedCookieContent.dat