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A fake puppet module that demonstrates an approach to logically modelling networks


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Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. A Scenario
    1. The Company Expands
    2. Ever Expanding
    3. An Architecture Change
    4. Getting Out Of Hand
    5. The Problem This Module Solves
  3. Solving The Scenario's Problems
    1. Deduplication
    2. Abstraction
    3. Modelling Architecture
    4. Changing the Physical Implementation
    5. Shared Infrastructure and VLAN tags
    6. Scenario Over, Now The Module

  1. Networking
    1. Limitations
    2. Features
    3. Quick Start
      1. Quick Start with Hiera
      2. Quick Start with Logical Networking and Defined Types
    4. Reference
    5. Facts
    6. Public Classes
    7. Public Defines
    8. Providers


This is not a "real" Puppet module - it's not designed to be cloned or put on the Forge. It even refers to other Puppet modules that are not publicly available. In fact, if you did blindly install this module into your infrastructure, I guarantee it will break your servers, eat your homework, and kill your cat.

This module is a fork of LMAX's internal networking module with a lot of internal information stripped out of it. The idea behind releasing this is to demonstrate a method of abstracting networking concepts from networking specifics. It is designed to educate new LMAX staff, plus a few people on the Puppet Users list who expressed some interest. The discussion in Puppet Users thread How to handle predictable network interface names is what motivated me to fork our internal module to describe it to other people.

I'm now going to fabricate a scenario (or a "story") that will explain the goals we are trying to reach by doing networking this way in Puppet. While the scenario's business is very loosely modelled on our own Financial systems architecture, the culture and values of the Infrastructure team in the scenario match our own Infrastructure team much more closely - which is how our Puppet networking evolved into what it is now.

If the scenario sounds completely alien to you - for example if you run a Cloud web farm where every instance is a transient short-lived VM - then the design pattern this module is promoting probably won't be that helpful to you. Likewise if you are a 1 man Sys Admin shop then this level of abstration will read like a monumental waste of time. If however you run an "enterprise" shop, manage several hundred servers and "things being the same" is very important to you, then hopefully you'll get something from this.

A Scenario

Imagine a company that runs some sort of medium sized Web e-Commerce business. The IT team there maintain very tight control of their infrastructure and their system design is described below.

As you'd expect there is a Web UI, and a load balancer in front of that. The buying and selling logic is handled by an Application server, and a database is used for persistent storage. The actual credit card processing is outsourced to a third party API. Delivering of physical goods and stock control is also handled by a 3rd party company.

The load balancer is connected to the Internet. An internal network connects load balancer to web severs. a separate internal network allows all the internal applications to communicate with each other: web, logic, payments and stock. For security reasons, only the application logic server is allowed to comminucate with the database and it has a physically separate network to do this - a "defence in depth" approach. The payments processing server talks to the 3rd party API over a private link, not over the Internet. Same with the stock control system - it's a private connection to the warehouse. There's also other networks, like for management, but they aren't important for this discussion.

If you were to draw this system design it would look like this. Orange rectangles are networks implemented by switches or routers, blue blocks are servers that the company manages with Puppet, and grey boxes are 3rd party APIs that the company's software talks to:

Networking Architecture Example

When the tech team built their production site they were pretty regimental and organised about the whole thing. The VLAN tags on the switches matched part of the IP address so the engineers always knew which VLAN is supposed to be which network and vice versa (eg: 10.0.2.x is VLAN 2).

VLAN Network IP Range
2 Web
3 Application
4 Database
5 Payments
6 Stock

Now if we add example IPs to the diagram:

Networking Architecture With IPs

Managing the networking of the machines above is pretty straight forward. The tech team write a networking module that knows how to write Red Hat config files to disk and they store the network information in Hiera. Here are two example Hiera data files for some machines (some of the YAML has been truncated for brevity). You don't need to worry about understanding exactly how the Puppet/Hiera code works at this point, but as you can probably imagine it uses create_resources.

The Hiera data for the Internet Front End / Web server:

    type: Ethernet
    type: Ethernet

The application logic server:

    type: Ethernet
    type: Ethernet

There are 5 servers, so there are 5 per-node Hiera YAML files. Each file has about 10-15 lines of networking information. What gets written to disk on the actual servers is your standard networking config that anyone who knows Red Hat should recognise:

[root@host ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

All pretty simple and manageable so far.

The Company Expands

The E-Commerce business does well and so they decide to open another site on another continent. The application architecture remains pretty much the same, so the tech team are just copying what they've done already to build the next set of infrastructure. It is a logically separate application but still inside the same company intranet, so the IP addressing must be unique. The engineers like to keep things consistent, so they come up with a nice standard where the same vlan tags are used to deliver the same logical networks as the first site (ie: vlan 3 in the US and in the EU is the Application network).

The only thing that changes is the IP ranges:

Site VLAN Network IP Range
EU 2 Web
EU 3 Application
EU 4 Database
EU 5 Payments
EU 6 Stock
US 2 Web
US 3 Application
US 4 Database
US 5 Payments
US 6 Stock is the Europe application, and is the US application. The Engineering team have created standards where the third octet always describes the type of Network, ie: 3 is the Application network no matter what Site it is in. This sort of consistency helps the engineers' mindset and to recognise patterns, eg: an IP address of is instantly recognised as a "Web" IP, the engineers expect that this IP will be doing something with HTTP traffic. The consistency also makes the engineers feel warm and fuzzy, which is a good thing. An IP address can be broken down into it's component parts like so:

IP Breakdown

Five new servers are purchased, the Hiera files from the first servers are copied and someone does a Sed search and replace to change the IP addresses. There are now 10 per-node YAML files with 10-15 lines each, so about 100 lines of Hiera config. Job done, still manageable.

Ever Expanding

Five servers for each site is not cutting it any more, the company is doing a lot of traffic. The web front end capacity is drastically increased, along with redundant application servers and databases.

There are now over a dozen web servers at each site and a half dozen other machines. There's also been a focus on redundancy, so before where the engineers used single interfaces for connections to networks they are now using bonded interfaces. This is what one of the Web server Hiera files looks like now:

    type: Bonding
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond2
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond2
    type: Bonding
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond3
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond3

It took the engineers a some time to add the Bonding configuration to every machine. A few mistakes were made but corrected. The Hiera data is starting to be annoying to work with because there's a lot of it.

We're now at about (18 x 26 x 2) 1000 lines of networking information in Hiera.

An Architecture Change

The application design needs to be extended - the web servers are now doing credit card fraud checks before the processing reaches the application logic or payment servers. This means the web servers need to be able to communicate with the 3rd party Payment API, which means they all need to be connected to the payments network (VLAN 5).

This work is done, and this is what a web server's Hiera YAML contains now:

    type: Bonding
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond2
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond2
    type: Bonding
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond3
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond3
    type: Bonding
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond5
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond5

There were over 2 dozen web servers that had to have the bond5 interface added. Unfortunately due to the sheer number of file edits the engineers made some mistakes; a web server got missed and that server was unable to do credit card checks when the code was released to production.

Bosses were unhappy, several kittens were killed, it was bad for publicity, etc, etc.

Getting Out Of Hand

The engineering team has been asked to build a hardware-equivalent replica (but with reduced capacity) so the development team can do performance benchmarks against their code. The company also needs several other Dev and Staging instances of the application, but need it cheapely so it has to be solved with VMs and shared networking switches. The number of Puppet nodes will increase by another 20-30 at least. Also because there are no payment or stock APIs to talk to in these test environments, they are all going to be stubbed to one development server (ie: the Payment and Stock network are the same for all of Perf, Dev and Staging).

This is achievable with the same Puppet/Hiera approach, but the standards the engineering team set at the start are being stretched - shared switches between environments means the VLAN tags have to be different and they no longer represent the logical network they that are delivering. The warm fuzzy feeling is fading.

Finally, the unhappy bosses have also come back with a mandate - architecture changes must be consistent across all environments, we can't have a repeat of the credit card check problem.

With that, the way the engineering team is approaching network config needs to be completely overhauled.

The Problem This Module Solves

What started as a very flexible way of defining networking in Hiera eventually ballooned into a large amount of configuration that was hard for the engineering team to handle. The approach, while flexible, wasn't helpful in keeping things "the same". Architecture changes required too many edits. Expanding capacity required too many copy and pastes. There is too much "necessary data" that needs to be added to a node's Hiera file.

It's also impossible to enforce any sort of architecture consistency when each node individually describes the sum of it's entire networking configuration.

That's the rather large intro done. The rest of this page demonstrates how you can use thus Puppet module to solve the different problems from the scenario above. The final part is the Puppet module documentation itself.

Solving The Scenario's Problems

The scenario in the Preface describes a number of problems that have evolved naturally from an Engineering Team's design choices. In this section I talk about each of those problems and how this networking module helps to alleviate them.


There is a great deal of "boiler plate" networking config present for every server. With some smart use of class parameters and Hiera the engineering team are able to deduplicate a lot the networking config in Hiera and model the concept of their logical networks.

The logical networks all have a common third octet (eg: "Application" is always 10.x.3.x). Different instances of the application are separated by IP range, eg: EU is and US is By looking at any IP address we can tell what site and what logical network it is part of. will be EU Database network, will be US Stock network.

We can also do the reverse. I should be able to figure out what IP address a server has in the "EU Application network" as long as I know the site the server is located in, and the fourth octet of the IP address.

Lets consider one server's Application network. Currently the Hiera would look like this:

    type: Bonding
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond3
    type: Ethernet
    slave: yes
    master: bond3

Where each key in the networking::interfaces hash gets extrapolated as a networking::config::interface defined type (using the magic create_resources function).

We can convert this to Puppet code below to remove a lot of the redundant information. We're going to invent a class - it doesn't matter what the class is called as this is just an example, but in the real world it would probably be one of your Profiles:

node 'some_node' {
  include ::profile::application_network

class profile::application_network($host_octet, $slaves) {
  include ::networking
  networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_application_bond:
    ipaddr  => "${::networking::subnet_application}.${host_octet}"
    slaves  => $slaves,

NOTE: Ignore the $::networking parameters for now, I'll get into that in the Abstraction section.

We only need to supply two pieces of information to the networking::simple_bond Defined Type; the bonding slaves and the fourth octet of the IP address. We will rely on Puppet's Automatic Parameter Lookup feature to get this data from Hiera. The node's Hiera will contain these keys to pass parameters to profile::application_network:

profile::application_network::host_octet: 10
profile::application_network::slaves: [ 'eth1', 'eth3', ]

Where before we had 13 lines of Hiera to describe this machine's network, we now have 2. The configuration that gets written to the server remains the same, but we've reduced the amount of Hiera data our Puppet/Hiera uses to generate this config. The profile::application_network Puppet Class is also re-usable on any node that is connected to the Application Network. If we applied that to the company's entire estate of around 70 servers, we'd reduce 900 lines of Hiera to around 100 or so. This is a good deduplication win.


The technical team established very early on the concept of an "Application" network, and a "Payments" network, etc, but this was not represented in Hiera. What's in Hiera is the physical network - IP addresses, interfaces, and bonds. The logical representation existed only in the brains of the engineers.

The profile::application_network class above also gives us abstraction. When using this class neither the Node definition nor the node's Hiera file contain anything to do with the subnet or network layout. These details are abstracted away into the networking class, and referred to by "logical" name.

The networking class is what has the concept of "Application" network. You'll remember that the Engineering Team were very pragmatic when they did their network design so the networking module is able to make some assumptions that fit most cases. The networking class exposes a number of parameters that are used to map logical network names to physical things. The relevant parameters and variables for the "Application" network end up being this by default:

$::networking::subnet_site = '192.168'
$::networking::vlan_application = '3'
$::networking::_subnet_application = ''
$::networking::_subnet_application_bond = 'bond3'

A 192.168 IP address doesn't help us though, the team uses 10.x.0.0/16. We need to override networking::subnet_site, and this is where a smart Hiera hierarchy comes in. Lets assume a simple three level hierarchy:

  1. Node
  2. Site
  3. Global

You may remember that each "Site" is an instance of the company's application (EU, US, etc), and the engineering team designed each site as a unique 10.x.0.0/16 network block. It becomes simple to override the Site subnet in Hiera now.

The site/eu.yaml file would contain:

networking::subnet_site: '10.0'

The site/us.yaml file would contain:

networking::subnet_site: '10.1'

We can now use the same profile::application_network class on EU and US node definitions and it will create correct IP addresses on both servers without the node having to specify anything more than it's host octet:

node 'eu_app_server' {
  include ::profile::application_network  # will create a 10.0.3.x interface

node 'us_app_server' {
  include ::profile::application_network  # will create a 10.1.3.x interface

Modelling Architecture

One of the problems the engineering team had was when they were asked to put all Web servers on the payments network. This large architecture change required a lot of Hiera changes and some mistakes were made. Following that there was the requirement from management that all future architecture changes are consistent. The current per-node Hiera description of networking cannot satisfy this requirement.

The modelling of networking architecture is more a feature of the Role / Profile design pattern and smart use of Puppet code, rather than a feature of this networking module itself. This networking module is designed to compliment the Role / Profile design pattern (especially through abstraction) so here's a demonstration.

This Puppet class would build the networking for a Scenario Web Server:

class ::profile::web_server(
) {
  include ::networking
  networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_web_bond:
    ipaddr  => "${::networking::web_application}.${host_octet}"
    slaves  => $web_network_slaves,
  networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_application_bond:
    ipaddr  => "${::networking::subnet_application}.${host_octet}"
    slaves  => $application_network_slaves,

As long as every node that was a Web Server actually had include ::profile::web_server or equivalent then the above networking layout will be enforced on the machine. Adding a new network to every Web Server now becomes trivial. The only code you need to add to this class is:

  networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_payments_bond:
    ipaddr  => "${::networking::subnet_payments}.${host_octet}"
    slaves  => $payments_network_slaves,

A new parameter profile::web_server::payments_network_slaves will need to be added to every node's Hiera which contains the interface names that form the payments network on that node.

With the above design pattern you get network architecture modelled in Puppet and make it easy to enforce architecture changes estate wide.

Changing the Physical Implementation

The simplicity of the Puppet code above relies on the engineering team being able to enforce their design, rules like:

  1. The Application network is always VLAN 3 and always 10.x.3.0/24
  2. The bonding interface on the Application network is "bond3", named after the VLAN tag

With the introduction of the Performance, Dev and Staging environments the engineering team need to make the Payments and Stock networks in Perf, Dev and Staging the same physical network (because those external APIs are being stubbed internally). The physical layout will need to change, but the logical design doesn't need to change. After all, Web Servers are still connected to the payments network. Here is how you would do this.

Sticking with the same Scenario Web Server Profile above:

class ::profile::web_server(
) {
  include ::networking
  networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_web_bond:
    ipaddr  => "${::networking::web_application}.${host_octet}"
    slaves  => $web_network_slaves,
  networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_application_bond:
    ipaddr  => "${::networking::subnet_application}.${host_octet}"
    slaves  => $application_network_slaves,
  networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_payments_bond:
    ipaddr  => "${::networking::subnet_payments}.${host_octet}"
    slaves  => $payments_network_slaves,

We can set Performance, Dev and Staging up as separate "Sites":

#Performance Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.10'
#Development Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.11'
#Staging Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.12'

This will by default create payments network IPs in the, and ranges by default, but we need them as the same IP range. We can override the Payments subnet in Hiera to specify common IP range:

#Performance Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.10'
networking::subnet_payments: '192.168.45'
#Development Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.11'
networking::subnet_payments: '192.168.45'
#Staging Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.12'
networking::subnet_payments: '192.168.45'

No changes need to be made to profile::web_server - the logical design remains the same.

Shared Infrastructure and VLAN tags

The Perf, Dev and Staging environments had to be built cheaply. While the real environments had physically separate network interfaces for the different networks, the dev environments may have only one or two interfaces with the different networks tagged on top of that. The engineering team will have to abandon their VLAN standard, but should be able to preserve their IP address standard, ie: the Application Network is always 10.x.3.x. In order to do this we will have to modify our Profile because how the network is physically implemented needs to change:

class ::profile::web_server(
  $vlan_tagged = false,
  $vlan_tagged_bond = 'bond0',
) {
  include ::networking

  $web_ip         = "${::networking::web_application}.${host_octet}"
  $application_ip = "${::networking::subnet_application}.${host_octet}"
  $payments_ip    = "${::networking::subnet_payments}.${host_octet}"

  if (str2bool($vlan_tagged)) {
    networking::simple_bond { $vlan_tagged_bond:
      slaves => $web_network_slaves,
    networking::vlan { "${vlan_tagged_bond}.${::networking::vlan_web}":
      ipaddr => $web_ip,
    networking::vlan { "${vlan_tagged_bond}.${::networking::vlan_application}":
      ipaddr => $application_ip,
    networking::vlan { "${vlan_tagged_bond}.${::networking::vlan_payments}":
      ipaddr => $payments_ip,
  } else {
    networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_web_bond:
      ipaddr  => $web_ip,
      slaves  => $web_network_slaves,
    networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_application_bond:
      ipaddr  => $application_ip,
      slaves  => $application_network_slaves,
    networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_payments_bond:
      ipaddr  => $payments_ip,
      slaves  => $payments_network_slaves,

We've introduced a boolean to switch between either creating three Bonded interfaces (our production servers) or one Bonded interface with three VLAN tags on top (our dev servers). The fact that we've had to resort to a boolean switch here could be an indication of poor design. It depends on your point of view and where you want to implement the physical network differences. With some refactoring these details could be further abstracted away somewhere else. Maybe all you want to see is application_network and whether it's a VLAN interface or a Bond is handled elsewhere. Where you do this is up to you.

There is some Hiera overrides to accompany the class. We need to store the VLAN tag values as they appear on the switches (that's how VLANs in Linux work) however we want to preserve the same IP address standard, so we also need to set networking::subnet_web and networking::subnet_application back to the 10.x.2.x and 10.x.3.x standard respectively:

#Performance Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.10'
networking::vlan_web: 137
networking::vlan_application: 138
networking::vlan_payments: 139
networking::subnet_web: '10.11.2'
networking::subnet_application: '10.11.3'
networking::subnet_payments: '192.168.45'
profile::web_server::vlan_tagged: true
#Development Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.11'
networking::subnet_payments: '192.168.45'
networking::vlan_web: 216
networking::vlan_application: 218
networking::vlan_payments: 139
networking::subnet_web: '10.10.2'
networking::subnet_application: '10.11.3'
networking::subnet_payments: '10.11.5'
profile::web_server::vlan_tagged: true
#Staging Site
networking::subnet_site: '10.12'
networking::vlan_web: 1001
networking::vlan_application: 1003
networking::vlan_payments: 139
networking::subnet_web: '10.12.2'
networking::subnet_application: '10.12.3'
networking::subnet_payments: '192.168.45'
profile::web_server::vlan_tagged: true

With the code and data above, we can create a Web Server in the EU Production network and it will get a 10.0.2.x Web IP on a dedicated bonded interface, and using the exact same profile in Performance it will get a 10.10.2.x Web IP vlan tagged on a shared bonded interface. The physical implementation is handled by the web server profile, and controlling the profile is handled by Hiera. From the point of view of the nodes they are both just "Web Servers", and they don't specify anything to do with how the network is physically implemented.

Scenario Over, Now The Module

That's the end of the scenario and example solutions / design panels. The next part is the traditional Puppet module documentation for networking.


The networking module manages the Red Hat Networking configration files under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/. It can write interface, bonding, vlan, bridge, route and rule files.

There are two ways to use this module, the Hiera way, or by using the logical abstractions and Defined Types.


A list of things that I don't like, should be improved, or simply "won't work". Writing this doc has highlighted quite a few things I'd improve...

Business Logic mixed with Implementation:

The current design of this module contains a number of puppet types and defined types to build networking config, as well as a large amount of parameters and variables that are business specific. In hindsight doing it this way was silly, as it meant I could not release our internal networking module without stripping all that stuff out (which is what this module is).

A better idea would be to shift all the business specific logical network abstraction into a new module, such as profile::network, and leave networking as a bunch of helper Defined Types and Providers.

Not Abstracted Enough:

When using the "logical network" design pattern you need to refer to internal variables of the networking module. This is not abstracted enough really, there should be a defined type for each logical network that exists (like in the Scenario above). The user shouldn't have to look up the name of the parameter or variable (eg: they shouldn't need to know that $::networking::subnet_web exists), nor should they need to specify them several times.

A more abstract implementation would be to have a Defined Type for each logical network.

EL 6 Only:

The Puppet Types in this module are designed for Red Hat / CentOS 6 only. I tried to convert to voxpupuli/voxpupuli-network, but the Ruby code used in there is not compatible with 1.8.7. I tried to introduce Ruby 1.8.7 tests into Travis CI for it so I could make voxpupuli-network compatible with CentOS 6, but I ran into various bits of trouble and gave up. For now, we implement our own Types and Providers.

On-disk configuration only (mostly):

The module mostly only writes configuration to disk, it does not make live IP or routing changes (with one or two exceptions).

/16 and /24 netmasks:

Many of the Defined Types assume you are using simple /16 and /24 network boundaries. This makes it easy to "build" IP addresses as you just concatenate the various octets of IP addresses together. Conversely it makes it impossible to use IPs and ranges that are not /16 and /24 in the current code. It would still be possible to programatically build an IP address from more complicated netmasks and subnet ranges, you just might need to write a Puppet Parser function to do so.


Logical Network Abstraction:

The big selling point - the ability to model "logical" networks in Puppet, abstracting away specific details (like interface name, subnet, vlan tag, etc), doing it's best to have one place to set these things and one place only.

Full integration with Hiera:

You can do most things purely in Hiera without having to write a Puppet manifest if you want to.

Manage static network interface name udev rules:

Useful for giving an interface a specific name. This helps with the logical network abstraction, because you could call something "eth415" instead of "eth0" if 415 was more meaningful to you.

Various Other Tidbits:

There's a couple other useful things in this module: setting interface ring buffer sizes, turning off segmentation offload, creating wireless interfaces in Fedora...

Quick Start

Quick Start with Logical Networking and Defined Types

The networking module will handle the mapping of logical network names and subnets to the correct value, you just need to refer to the mapping parameters and variables in the networking class. The example below builds an "Application" network bond by referring to the networking class variables:

::networking::simple_bond { $::networking::_subnet_application_bond:
  bonding_type => 'active-backup',
  slaves       => [ 'eth0', 'eth1', ],
  ipaddr       => "${::networking::_subnet_application}.10",
  is_gateway   => true,

Quick Start with Hiera

This module is geared towards logical abstraction, however sometimes you just want to create a machine and define it's network by hand. There may not be any need to cleverly abstract it with Roles and Profiles because it's a one off / test machine or you couldn't be bothered.

You can define interfaces, routes and rules in Hiera, which effectively runs create_resources across the hash of data. Here are some examples:

      enable: 'true'
      master: bond42
      onboot: 'yes'
      slave: 'yes'
      type: Ethernet
      enable: 'true'
      master: bond42
      onboot: 'yes'
      slave: 'yes'
      type: Ethernet
      bonding_opts: mode=1 miimon=100
      enable: 'true'
      onboot: 'yes'
      type: Bonding
      bridge: br42
      enable: true
      type: Bridge
      onboot: 'yes'
      cidr: 24
      device: bond42
      routes: via
      rules: [ "fwmark 111 lookup 100" ]



Fact: interface_ringbuffer

Returns a Hash of information describing every physical interface's current and maximum ring buffer size.

The format of the Hash is:

    'rx_cur' => N,
    'rx_max' => N,
    'tx_cur' => N,
    'tx_max' => N,

For example:

[root@host ~]$ facter -p interface_ringbuffer
{"p2p1"=>{"rx_cur"=>"256", "rx_max"=>"4096", "tx_max"=>"4096", "tx_cur"=>"256"}, "p2p2"=>{"rx_cur"=>"256", "rx_max"=>"4096", "tx_max"=>"4096", "tx_cur"=>"256"}, "p2p3"=>{"rx_cur"=>"256", "rx_max"=>"4096", "tx_max"=>"4096", "tx_cur"=>"256"}, "p2p4"=>{"rx_cur"=>"256", "rx_max"=>"4096", "tx_max"=>"4096", "tx_cur"=>"256"}, "em1"=>{"rx_cur"=>"255", "rx_max"=>"2040", "tx_max"=>"255", "tx_cur"=>"255"}, "em2"=>{"rx_cur"=>"255", "rx_max"=>"2040", "tx_max"=>"255", "tx_cur"=>"255"}}

This fact is used by the internals of the networking module when networking::tune_ringbuffer_to_max is True, and structured Facts must be used (stringify_facts==false in Puppet 3.x).

Fact: networking_driver_to_interface

Creates multiple Facts that are comma separated strings that map network driver name to a list of interfaces that use that driver. The name of the Facts are variable depending on what network drivers are in use on the system. This is best demonstrated with an example:

[root@host ~]$ facter -p | grep nic_driver_
nic_driver_bnx2 => em1,em2
nic_driver_bonding => bond0,bond16
nic_driver_igb => p2p1,p2p2,p2p3,p2p4
nic_driver_virtual => lo

Certain driver specific Facts are used in the internals of the module, such as when networking::tune_tso_gso_off_on_tg3 and networking::tune_tso_gso_off_on_virtio_net are True.

Public Classes

Class: networking

Provides an interface to translate logical networking into physical networking through use of parameters and variables.

Can also create network interfaces, routes, and rules.

networking Parameters:


A Hash of parameters that will get passed to create_resources to define networking::config::interface resources. Allows for the definition of network interfaces in Hiera.


A boolean flag that if true will manage the contents of the udev persistent net rules file and attempt to map interface MAC addresses to interface names. The interface names and MAC addresses are pulled from the interfaces parameter, or extra rules can be specified using the extra_udev_static_interface_names paramater.

Defaults to false.


Allows you to arbitralily specify more interface -> MAC address udev rules. This is useful to map a specific hardware address to an interface name without using the interfaces parameter to define the networking interfaces (they may be defined elsewhere). Does nothing unless udev_static_interface_names is true.


A Hash of parameters that will get passed to create_resources to define networking::config::route resources. Allows for the definition of network routes in Hiera.


A Hash of parameters that will get passed to create_resources to define networking::config::rule resources. Allows for the definition of network rules in Hiera.


The first two octets of a machine's IP address. Defaults to 192.168.


The default VLAN tag and third octet of the Web network. Defaults to 2.


The default VLAN tag and third octet of the Application network. Defaults to 3.


The default VLAN tag and third octet of the Database network. Defaults to 4.


The default VLAN tag and third octet of the Payments network. Defaults to 5.


The default VLAN tag and third octet of the Stock network. Defaults to 6.


Allows you to override the default subnet of the Web network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_web defaults to the concatenation of subnet_site and vlan_web (which would be 192.168.2).


Allows you to override the default subnet of the Application network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_application defaults to the concatenation of subnet_site and vlan_application (which would be 192.168.3).


Allows you to override the default subnet of the Database network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_database defaults to the concatenation of subnet_site and vlan_database (which would be 192.168.4).


Allows you to override the default subnet of the Payments network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_payments defaults to the concatenation of subnet_site and vlan_payments (which would be 192.168.5).


Allows you to override the default subnet of the Stock network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_stock defaults to the concatenation of subnet_site and vlan_stock (which would be 192.168.6).


Allows you to override the default Bonding interface name of the Web network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_web_bond defaults to the concatenation of "bond" and vlan_web (which would be bond2).


Allows you to override the default Bonding interface name of the Application network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_application_bond defaults to the concatenation of "bond" and vlan_application (which would be bond3)


Allows you to override the default Bonding interface name of the Database network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_database_bond defaults to the concatenation of "bond" and vlan_database (which would be bond4).


Allows you to override the default Bonding interface name of the Payments network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_payments_bond defaults to the concatenation of "bond" and vlan_payments (which would be bond5).


Allows you to override the default Bonding interface name of the Stock network. Otherwise the internal variable networking::_subnet_stock_bond defaults to the concatenation of "bond" and vlan_stock (which would be bond6).


The default Active-Passive Bonding driver options, defaults to mode=active-backup miimon=100.


The default 802.3ad / LACP / MLAG Bonding driver options to use, defaults to mode=802.3ad xmit_hash_policy=layer3+4 lacp_rate=slow miimon=100.


When this parameter is true all interfaces that use the tg3 driver will have TCP Segmentation Offload and General Segmentation Offload turned off using ethtool.

NOTE This is a both a live change as well as having the setting persisted to disk.


When this parameter is true all interfaces that use the virtio driver will have TCP Segmentation Offload and General Segmentation Offload turned off using ethtool.

NOTE This is a both a live change as well as having the setting persisted to disk.


When this parameter is true all physical interfaces will have their ringbuffer tuned to maximum size using ethtool.

NOTE This is a both a live change as well as having the setting persisted to disk.


A boolean flag that controlls whether monitoring resources will be created or not.

NOTE This defaults to False because the monitoring resources depend on an LMAX module that is not publically available. This also means the parameters below, which control monitoring in some way or another, won't be that useful to you.


Controls which method is used to monitor the default gateway.


Controls which method is used to monitor interface carrier.


Controls which method is used to monitor reverse DNS.


Controls whether LLDP patching monitoring is done or not.


Controls whether to use the persistent or expiring frame error monitoring method.

####Class networking::lo

Creates the standard Red Hat loopback interface configuration file. This stops someone accidentally deleting it, or stops Puppet from deleting it if resource purging is turned on for lmax_network_config resources.

Public Defines

Define: networking::simple_bond

Creates a simple bonded interface in either 'lacp' mode or 'active-backup' mode. The netmask is always assumed to be

networking::simple_bond Parameters:


An array of strings of network interface names that are the members of this Bonded interface.

This parameter is always mandatory, there is no default.


The IP address in the Bonded interface. Must be a valid ipv4 address, unless vlan_tagged is true.


One of two modes are supported: 'lacp' or 'active-backup'.

The specific Bonding driver options for these modes are controlled by parameters to the networking class.


A boolean that indicates this Bonded interface is the default gateway. If no gateway is specified then it is assumed that the default gateway is SUBNET.1 of the class C network. For example, if ipaddr is, then the default gateway will be

Defaults to false.


Specify the default gateway if it is different to the default. Must have gateway set to true.


Indicate that this Bond is vlan tagged, which disables the validation on parameter ipaddr, allowing you to have a networking::simple_bond without an IP.

Define: networking::vlan

Creates a simple VLAN tagged interface with an IP address. The netmask is always assumed to be

networking::vlan Parameters:


The IP address in the Bonded interface. Must be a valid ipv4 address, or undef.


A boolean that indicates this Bonded interface is the default gateway. If no gateway is specified then it is assumed that the default gateway is SUBNET.1 of the class C network. For example, if ipaddr is, then the default gateway will be


Specify the default gateway if it is different to the default. Must have gateway set to true.

Define: networking::passive_listen_bond

A Bonding interface without any Layer 3 IP settings. Useful for creating Bonded interfaces that are used by passive listening devices or packet capture software.

networking::passive_listen_bond Parameters:


An array of strings of network interface names that are the members of this Bonded interface.

This parameter is always mandatory, there is no default.

Define: networking::back_to_back_bond

A Bonding interface where the network cables are plugged directly into another Linux machine (back to back).


An array of strings of network interface names that are the members of this Bonded interface.

This parameter is always mandatory, there is no default.


The IP address in the Bonded interface. Must be a valid ipv4 address.


The IP address of the remote interface this interface is wired in to. Must be a valid ipv4 address. This is used to manipulate the monitoring checks.

Define: networking::dummy

Creates a dummy interface and ensures it's up.

This is the only Defined Type that tries to start an interface as well as configure it.

Example usage:

networking::dummy { 'dummy0':
  ipaddr        => '',
  netmask       => '',
  cidr          => 24,
  network       => '',
  broadcast     => '',
  multicast     => true,
  nm_controlled => 'no',

Define: networking::config::interface

A wrapper around the lmax_network_config Provider that also creates monitoring resources and does live ethtool tunings.
The parameters are reasonbly straight forward so won't be explained here (most are 1 to 1 mappings of Red Hat network script settings).

You may need to use this Defined Type directly if you need to do something complicated.

Define networking::wireless

Create a wireless network interface, currently designed for Fedora and specific drivers. It has limited use so won't be documenting further.


Type: lmax_network_config

Writes Red Hat style network configuration scripts under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/.

See the Type itself for the exact list of parameters. However they generally map one to one as uppercase Shell variables, for example:

lmax_network_config { 'eth0':
  ensure    => present,
  exclusive => false,
  type      => 'Ethernet',
  ipaddr    => '',
  bootproto => 'none',

Will create this file on disk:

[root@host ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 

The one exceptional parameter is exclusive. This boolean controls whether other Red Hat network scripts that are not controlled by Puppet will be purged or not.

Type: lmax_network_route

Writes Red Hat style network routes under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/.

For example:

lmax_network_route { 'eth0':
  device => 'eth0',
  routes => [ ' via', ],

Will create this file on disk:

[root@host ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 via

Which will effectively run this `ip route` command when the Red Hat networking service starts:

ip route add via dev eth0

**`lmax_network_route` Parameters:**

##### `exclusive`

If `true`, enforced that no route cofiguration exists other than what Puppet defines.

Enabled by default.

##### `device`

The networking device on which the routes will be configured.

##### `routes`

A string or array of strings of routes.

#### Type: `lmax_network_rule`

Writes Red Hat style rules under `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/`.

For example:

lmax_network_rule { 'lo':
  rules => [ 'fwmark 111 lookup 100', ],

Will create this file on disk:

[root@host ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/rule-lo
fwmark 111 lookup 100

lmax_network_rule Parameters:


If true, enforced that no routing rule cofiguration exists other than what Puppet defines.

Enabled by default.


The networking device on which the routing rules will be configured.


A string or array of strings of routing rules.


A fake puppet module that demonstrates an approach to logically modelling networks







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