base2048 encoding for packing data into tweets!
This is an experimental module for encoding chunks of 11 bits into a single character as counted by twitter. This allows you to encode 385 (280 * 11 / 8) bytes in tweet.
The main things this crate put effort into getting right:
- The characters display on most platforms.
- No right-to-left characters are used.
- No weird punctuation characters are included.
See base2048.txt for the ordered list of characters.
base2048 = "2"
// these 189 will never fit in a tweet encoded as hex
let bytes = hex_literal::hex!("0100000001574981a3fb74e6632493fcab62947b07a6c228c2b9d840893ff1e7c4f143723c010000006a47304402201f2fc511e390f5dcecf5f0fcb627faff9c0acec671bf372c49e30b43cab048ff02200a10eefea2f2c7b1c5a1603b73dc4d3175b9a416db0acfedf9bf443c0be219c90121031132f6c2139c199a18bfe1fb7f7eb5d1daaf8d4d2e03bf11e833a13e62268fb5ffffffff01eda54e020000000017a914582e495bd15671cc7344ff54104a4d3e6468fff08700000000");
// but with base2048 you can fit it - twice!
let encoded = base2048::encode(&bytes[..]);
assert_eq!(encoded, "ÅØØÒԾആ১ԍཪƉǧႵషϡဏၾഓπ௫ఇĄ૪൦Ⴏ၍ƜসÍص୷སΰňþҕЙၑήಟဖ௴ͿӻआइԚџവফඤѕળशĹсϗႫॳšķ۹ঙјఓȨёՑʮǴരౡଣౙഗ૩ໜໝŇऔཀඨΑΟɈઉທΣઠගऽइƽ೪ჁಔດևЫѱʟॺଅԻͳʼnଢӸ྾྾ვʭମԙउØØĞଥওȲϦၺழƦʍşဃłФЍ൰১ႭƠØØØ");
assert_eq!(base2048::decode(&encoded), Some(bytes.to_vec()));
This was inspired by the javascript module base2048 but they are not compatible. The main difference is the character list is more curated here to display properly on each platform.