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stelmo committed Nov 18, 2021
1 parent 8cb03e9 commit b413c50
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Showing 3 changed files with 270 additions and 134 deletions.
104 changes: 62 additions & 42 deletions src/analysis/max_min_driving_force.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
ignore_metabolites::Vector{String} = ["h", "h2o"],
flux_solution::Dict{String,Float64} = Dict{String,Float64}(),
reaction_gibbs_free_energy_adjustments::Dict{String,Float64} = Dict{String,Float64}(),
metabolite_gibbs_free_energy_errors::Dict{String,Float64} = Dict{String,Float64}(),
proton_ids::Vector{String} = ["h_c", "h_e"],
water_ids::Vector{String} = ["h2o_c", "h2o_e"],
constant_concentrations::Dict{String,Float64} = Dict{String,Float64}(),
concentration_ratios::Dict{Tuple{String,String},Float64} = Dict{
ignore_reactions::Vector{String} = Vector{String}(),
concentration_lb = 1e-6,
concentration_ub = 10e-3,
T = _constants.T,
Expand All @@ -20,27 +25,44 @@ Perform a max-min driving force analysis on the `model`, as defined by Noor, et
"Pathway thermodynamics highlights kinetic obstacles in central metabolism.", PLoS
computational biology, 2014.
The analysis uses the supplied `optimizer` and Gibbs free energies of the
reactions (in `gibbs_free_energies`) to find the max-min driving force, Gibbs
free energy of the reactions and the concentrations of metabolites that
optimize the following problem:
The analysis uses the supplied `optimizer` and Gibbs free energies of formation of the
metabolites (in `metabolite_gibbs_free_energies`). Optionally, `flux_solution` can be used
to set the reaction direction of the `model`; this flux solution should be free of internal
cycles. This is important if the forward direction of the reaction has a positive ΔG (hence
the reaction can only run in reverse, since MMDF assumes all fluxes are forward this needs
to be corrected for). Additionally, `reaction_gibbs_free_energy_adjustments` can be used to
adjust the ΔG of reactions to account for transporter, etc., effects. Also,
`metabolite_gibbs_free_energy_errors` can be supplied if the Gibbs energy of formation
measurements have errors associated with them. In this case they are used to bound the
allowed Gibbs free energy of formation used for each metabolite.
Specifically, the max-min driving force algorithm returns the Gibbs
free energy of the reactions, the concentrations of metabolites, the Gibbs free energies of
formation (not necessarily equal to `metabolite_gibbs_free_energies` if errors are supplied), and
the actual maximum minimum driving force. The optimization problem solved is:
max min -ΔᵣG
s.t. ΔᵣG = ΔᵣG⁰ + R T S' ln(C)
ΔᵣG ≤ 0 (∀r)
s.t. ΔrG = ΔrG⁰ + R T S' ln(C)
ΔrG⁰ = S' ΔfG
ΔrG ≤ 0
ΔfG⁰ - errors ≤ ΔfG ≤ ΔfG⁰ + errors
ln(Cₗ) ≤ ln(C) ≤ ln(Cᵤ)
where `ΔᵣG` are the Gibbs energies dissipated by the reactions, `ΔᵣG⁰` are the
Gibbs free energies of the reactions, R is the gas constant, T is the
temperature, S is the stoichiometry of the model, and C is the vector of
metabolite concentrations (and their respective lower and upper bounds).
where `ΔrG` are the Gibbs energies dissipated by the reactions, `ΔfG⁰` are the Gibbs free
energies of formation of metabolites, `errors` are supplied errors of the formation
energies, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, S is the stoichiometry of the model,
and C is the vector of metabolite concentrations (and their respective lower and upper
In case no feasible solution exists, `nothing` is returned.
Metabolites specified in `ignore_metabolites` are internally ignored -- that
allows to specify e.g. removal of protons and water, thus allowing the
thermodynamic calculations to assume constant pH and aqueous conditions. Note, if using
biochemical thermodynamic data then you _must_ include the ids of protons and water here.
Reactions specified in `ignore_reactions` are internally ignored when calculating the
max-min driving force. This should include reactions with zero (or small) fluxes (to prevent
sign issues), and non-physiological reactions.
Since biochemical thermodynamics are assumed, the `proton_ids` and `water_ids` need to be
specified so that they can be ignored in the calculations. Effectively this assumes an
aqueous environment at constant pH is used.
`constant_concentrations` is used to fix the concentrations of certain metabolites (such as
CO₂). `concentration_ratios` is used to specify additional constraints on metabolite pair
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,9 +94,7 @@ function max_min_driving_force(
concentration_ub = 10e-3,
T = _constants.T,
R = _constants.R,
metabolite_gibbs_free_energy_error_fallback_fraction = 0.01,
modifications = [],
negligible_flux = 1e-6,

opt_model = Model(optimizer)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,19 +123,17 @@ function max_min_driving_force(

# set bounds relative to supplied data, fallback to 1% of value
dgf_errors = [
metabolite_gibbs_free_energy_error_fallback_fraction *
) for mid in metabolites(model)
for midx in eachindex(metabolites(model))
for (midx, mid) in enumerate(metabolites(model))
midx in water_idxs && continue
midx in proton_idxs && continue
JuMP.set_lower_bound(dgfs[midx], dgf0s[midx] - dgf_errors[midx])
JuMP.set_upper_bound(dgfs[midx], dgf0s[midx] + dgf_errors[midx])
dgf_error = get(metabolite_gibbs_free_energy_errors, mid, 0.0)
if dgf_error == 0.0
JuMP.fix(dgfs[midx], dgf0s[midx])
JuMP.fix(dgfs[midx], dgf0s[midx])
JuMP.set_lower_bound(dgfs[midx], dgf0s[midx] - dgf_error)
JuMP.set_upper_bound(dgfs[midx], dgf0s[midx] + dgf_error)

dgr_adjs =
Expand All @@ -126,15 +144,13 @@ function max_min_driving_force(
@constraint(opt_model, dgrs .== dgr_adjs .+ S' * (dgfs .+ (R * T) .* logcs))

# thermodynamics should correspond to the fluxes
fluxes = [get(flux_solution, rid, 1.0) for rid in reactions(model)]
flux_signs = [sign(get(flux_solution, rid, 1.0)) for rid in reactions(model)]

# only consider physiological reactions
active_ridxs = [
idx for (idx, rid) in enumerate(reactions(model)) if
rid ignore_reactions && negligible_flux <= abs(fluxes[idx])
active_ridxs =
[idx for (idx, rid) in enumerate(reactions(model)) if !(rid in ignore_reactions)]

@constraint(opt_model, dgrs[active_ridxs] .* sign.(fluxes[active_ridxs]) .<= 0)
@constraint(opt_model, dgrs[active_ridxs] .* flux_signs[active_ridxs] .<= 0)

# # add the absolute bounds
for (midx, mid) in enumerate(metabolites(model)) # idx in opt_model (missing ignore_metabolites)
Expand All @@ -160,25 +176,29 @@ function max_min_driving_force(
@constraint(opt_model, logcs[idxs[1]] == log(val) + logcs[idxs[2]])

@constraint(opt_model, minDF .<= -dgrs[active_ridxs] .* flux_signs[active_ridxs])

@objective(opt_model, Max, minDF)

# apply the modifications, if any
for mod in modifications
mod(model, opt_model)

@constraint(opt_model, minDF .<= -dgrs[active_ridxs] .* sign.(fluxes[active_ridxs]))

@objective(opt_model, Max, minDF)


is_solved(opt_model) || return nothing

return (
mmdf = objective_value(opt_model),
dgrs = Dict(rid => value(dgrs[i]) for (i, rid) in enumerate(reactions(model))),
cs = Dict(
dg_reactions = Dict(
rid => value(dgrs[i]) for (i, rid) in enumerate(reactions(model))
concentrations = Dict(
mid => exp(value(logcs[i])) for (i, mid) in enumerate(metabolites(model))
dgfs = Dict(mid => value(dgfs[i]) for (i, mid) in enumerate(metabolites(model))),
dg_formations = Dict(
mid => value(dgfs[i]) for (i, mid) in enumerate(metabolites(model))
118 changes: 26 additions & 92 deletions test/analysis/max_min_driving_force.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,96 +1,36 @@
@testset "Max-min driving force analysis" begin

# This is a relatively standard model of glycolysis.
# If editing, keep this the same as the corresponding notebook.
mets = [
model = load_model(model_paths["e_coli_core.json"])

rxns = Dict(
"ENO" => Dict("2pg" => -1.0, "h2o" => 1.0, "pep" => 1),
"FBA" => Dict("fdp" => -1.0, "dhap" => 1.0, "g3p" => 1.0),
"GAPD" => Dict(
"g3p" => -1.0,
"nad" => -1.0,
"pi" => -1.0,
"h" => 1.0,
"nadh" => 1.0,
"13dpg" => 1.0,
"HEX" => Dict(
"atp" => -1.0,
"glc__D" => -1.0,
"g6p" => 1.0,
"adp" => 1.0,
"h" => 1.0,
"LDH" => Dict(
"pyr" => -1.0,
"nadh" => -1.0,
"h" => -1.0,
"nad" => 1.0,
"lac__D" => 1.0,
"PFK" =>
Dict("f6p" => -1.0, "atp" => -1.0, "adp" => 1.0, "h" => 1.0, "fdp" => 1.0),
"PGI" => Dict("g6p" => -1.0, "f6p" => 1.0),
"PGK" => Dict("13dpg" => -1.0, "adp" => -1.0, "atp" => 1.0, "3pg" => 1.0),
"PGM" => Dict("3pg" => -1.0, "2pg" => 1),
"PYK" =>
Dict("pep" => -1.0, "adp" => -1.0, "h" => -1.0, "atp" => 1.0, "pyr" => 1.0),
"TPI" => Dict("dhap" => -1.0, "g3p" => 1.0),
sol = flux_balance_analysis_dict(
modifications = [add_loopless_constraints()],

model = StandardModel("Glycolysis")
reaction_gibbs_free_energy_adjustments = get_thermo_data()

add_metabolites!(model, Metabolite.(mets))
collect(Reaction(rid; metabolites = mets) for (rid, mets) in rxns),
model = load_model(StandardModel, "e_coli_core.json")

gibbs_energies = Dict(
"ENO" => -3.81089,
"FBA" => 22.3932,
"GAPD" => 4.60271,
"HEX" => -17.90,
"LDH" => -23.6803,
"PFK" => -14.5988,
"PGI" => 2.6617,
"PGK" => -19.32,
"PGM" => -4.52041,
"PYK" => -27.5833,
"TPI" => 5.57535,
flux_solution = flux_balance_analysis_dict(model, GLPK.Optimizer; modifications=[add_loopless_constraints(), change_optimizer_attribute("IPM_IterationsLimit", 1000)])

ignore_reactions = [rid for rid in reactions(model) if looks_like_biomass_reaction(rid) ||
looks_like_exchange_reaction(rid) || rid == "ATPM" || abs(flux_solution[rid]) < 1e-6]

res = max_min_driving_force(
ignore_metabolites = ["h", "h2o"],
modifications = [change_optimizer_attribute("IPM_IterationsLimit", 500)],
concentration_ratios = Dict(("atp", "adp") => 10.0, ("nadh", "nad") => 0.1),
constant_concentrations = Dict("pi" => 10e-3),
flux_solution = flux_solution,
reaction_gibbs_free_energy_adjustments = reaction_gibbs_free_energy_adjustments,
metabolite_gibbs_free_energy_errors = metabolite_gibbs_free_energy_errors,
proton_ids = ["h_c", "h_e"],
water_ids = ["h2o_c", "h2o_e"],
concentration_lb = 1e-6,
concentration_ub = 10e-3,
ignore_reactions = ignore_reactions,

expected_energies = Dict(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,15 +65,9 @@
"glc__D" => 4.9684448349558665e-5,
"lac__D" => 0.0012764690773165621,
@test isapprox(res.mmdf, 2.122526369934736, atol = TEST_TOLERANCE)
@test issetequal(keys(res.dgs), keys(expected_energies))
@test issetequal(keys(res.cs), keys(expected_concentrations))
@test all(
isapprox(res.dgs[i], expected_energies[i], atol = TEST_TOLERANCE) for
i in keys(expected_energies)
@test all(
isapprox(res.cs[i], expected_concentrations[i], atol = TEST_TOLERANCE) for
i in keys(expected_concentrations)
@test isapprox(res.mmdf, 5.613826837623506, atol = TEST_TOLERANCE)

@test isapprox(res.concentrations["cit_c"], 0.01)
@test isapprox(res.dg_reactions["PYK"], -8.28824174597107)
@test isapprox(res.dg_reactions["g3p_c"], -1073.2224793532705)

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