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working variability analysis
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stelmo committed Feb 12, 2023
1 parent e25d6b5 commit 8f4b5ff
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Showing 5 changed files with 60 additions and 181 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/reconstruction/pipes/thermodynamic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ A pipe-able function that specifies a model variant that solves the max-min
driving force problem. Calls [`make_max_min_driving_force_model`](@ref)
with_max_min_driving_force_analysis(args...; kwargs...) = m -> make_max_min_driving_force_model(m, args...; kwargs...)
with_max_min_driving_force_analysis(args...; kwargs...) =
m -> make_max_min_driving_force_model(m, args...; kwargs...)
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/reconstruction/thermodynamic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
Construct a [`MaxMinDrivingForceModel`](@ref) so that max min driving force
analysis can be performed on `model`.
analysis can be performed on `model`.
) = MaxMinDrivingForceModel(; inner = model, kwargs...)
make_max_min_driving_force_model(model::AbstractMetabolicModel; kwargs...) =
MaxMinDrivingForceModel(; inner = model, kwargs...)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/types/accessors/AbstractMetabolicModel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ to make thermodynamic calculations easier.
"Gibbs free energy of reaction",
Thermodynamic models need to ensure that the ΔG of each reaction is negative
(2nd law of thermodynamics). This semantic grouping represents ΔGᵣ.
(2nd law of thermodynamics). This semantic grouping represents ΔGᵣ.

Expand Down
182 changes: 38 additions & 144 deletions src/types/wrappers/MaxMinDrivingForceModel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,43 +34,41 @@ $(TYPEDFIELDS)
Base.@kwdef mutable struct MaxMinDrivingForceModel <: AbstractModelWrapper
"A dictionary mapping ΔrG⁰ to reactions."
reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies::Dict{String,Float64} = Dict{String,Float64}()

"A cycle-free reference flux solution that is used to set the directions of the reactions."
flux_solution::Dict{String,Float64} = Dict{String,Float64}()

"Metabolite ids of protons."
proton_ids::Vector{String} = ["h_c", "h_e"]

"Metabolite ids of water."
water_ids::Vector{String} = ["h2o_c", "h2o_e"]

"A dictionationay mapping metabolite ids to concentrations that are held constant."
constant_concentrations::Dict{String,Float64} = Dict{String,Float64}()

"A dictionary mapping metabolite ids to constant concentration ratios in the form `(m1, m2) = r === m1/m2 = r`."
concentration_ratios::Dict{Tuple{String,String},Float64} = Dict{

concentration_ratios::Dict{Tuple{String,String},Float64} =

"Global metabolite concentration lower bound."
concentration_lb = 1e-9

"Global metabolite concentration upper bound."
concentration_ub = 100e-3

"Thermodynamic temperature."
T::Float64 = constants.T

"Real gas constant."
R::Float64 = constants.R

"Tolerance use to distinguish flux carrying reactions from zero flux reactions."
small_flux_tol::Float64 = 1e-6

"Maximum absolute ΔG bound allowed by a reaction."
max_dg_bound::Float64 = 1000.0

"Reaction ids that are ignored internally during thermodynamic calculations. This should include water and proton importers."
ignore_reaction_ids::Vector{String} = String[]

Expand All @@ -87,22 +85,25 @@ The variables for max-min driving force analysis are the actual maximum minimum
driving force of the model, the log metabolite concentrations, and the gibbs
free energy reaction potentials across each reaction.
Accessors.variables(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) = ["mmdf"; "log " .* metabolites(model); "ΔG " .* reactions(model)]
Accessors.variables(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) =
["mmdf"; "log " .* metabolites(model); "ΔG " .* reactions(model)]

Helper function that returns the unmangled variable IDs.
get_unmangled_variables(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) = ["mmdf"; metabolites(model); reactions(model)]
get_unmangled_variables(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) =
["mmdf"; metabolites(model); reactions(model)]

The number of variables is 1 + the number of metabolites + the number of
reactions, where the 1 comes from the total max-min driving force.
Accessors.n_variables(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) = 1 + n_metabolites(model) + n_reactions(model)
Accessors.n_variables(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) =
1 + n_metabolites(model) + n_reactions(model)

Expand All @@ -120,13 +121,15 @@ Gibbs free energy of reaction mapping to model variables.
Accessors.gibbs_free_energy_reaction_variables(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) =
Dict(rid => Dict(rid => 1.0) for rid in "ΔG " .* reactions(model))

For this kind of the model, the objective is the the max-min-driving force which
is at index 1 in the variables.
Accessors.objective(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) = [1.0; fill(0.0, n_variables(model)-1)]
Accessors.objective(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) =
[1.0; fill(0.0, n_variables(model) - 1)]

Expand All @@ -145,7 +148,10 @@ function Accessors.balance(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel)
const_ratio_vec = log.(collect(values(model.concentration_ratios)))

# give dummy dG0 for reactions that don't have data
dg0s = [get(model.reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies, rid, 0.0) for rid in reactions(model)]
dg0s = [
get(model.reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies, rid, 0.0) for
rid in reactions(model)

return [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,15 +183,17 @@ function Accessors.stoichiometry(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel)
ids = collect(keys(model.constant_concentrations))
idxs = indexin(ids, var_ids)
for (i, j) in enumerate(idxs)
isnothing(j) && throw(DomainError(ids[j], "Constant metabolite ID not found in model."))
isnothing(j) &&
throw(DomainError(ids[j], "Constant metabolite ID not found in model."))
const_conc_mat[i, j] = 1.0

# add the relative bounds
const_ratio_mat = spzeros(length(model.concentration_ratios), n_variables(model))
for (i, (mid1, mid2)) in enumerate(keys(model.concentration_ratios))
idxs = indexin([mid1, mid2], var_ids)
any(isnothing.(idxs)) && throw(DomainError((mid1, mid2), "Metabolite ratio pair not found in model."))
any(isnothing.(idxs)) &&
throw(DomainError((mid1, mid2), "Metabolite ratio pair not found in model."))
const_ratio_mat[i, first(idxs)] = 1.0
const_ratio_mat[i, last(idxs)] = -1.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,7 +226,7 @@ function Accessors.bounds(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel)
# mmdf must be positive for problem to be feasible (it is defined as -ΔG)
lbs[1] = 0.0
ubs[1] = 1000.0

# log concentrations
lbs[2:(1+n_metabolites(model))] .= log(model.concentration_lb)
ubs[2:(1+n_metabolites(model))] .= log(model.concentration_ub)
Expand All @@ -243,15 +251,16 @@ ignored.
_get_active_reaction_ids(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel) = filter(
rid ->
haskey(model.reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies, rid) &&
abs(get(model.flux_solution, rid, model.small_flux_tol / 2)) > model.small_flux_tol &&
abs(get(model.flux_solution, rid, model.small_flux_tol / 2)) >
model.small_flux_tol &&
!(rid in model.ignore_reaction_ids),

Return the coupling of a max-min driving force model.
Return the coupling of a max-min driving force model.
function Accessors.coupling(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel)

Expand All @@ -264,17 +273,17 @@ function Accessors.coupling(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel)
for (i, j) in enumerate(idxs)
flux_signs[i, j] = sign(model.flux_solution[reactions(model)[j]])

neg_dg_mat = [
spzeros(length(idxs)) spzeros(length(idxs), n_metabolites(model)) flux_signs

mmdf_mat = sparse(
-ones(length(idxs)) spzeros(length(idxs), n_metabolites(model)) -flux_signs

return [
Expand All @@ -294,120 +303,5 @@ function Accessors.coupling_bounds(model::MaxMinDrivingForceModel)
mmdf_lb = fill(0.0, n)
mmdf_ub = fill(model.max_dg_bound, n)

return (
[neg_dg_lb; mmdf_lb],
[neg_dg_ub; mmdf_ub]
return ([neg_dg_lb; mmdf_lb], [neg_dg_ub; mmdf_ub])

# function Accessors.

# """

# Perform a variant of flux variability analysis on a max min driving force type problem.
# Arguments are forwarded to [`max_min_driving_force`](@ref). Calls [`screen`](@ref)
# internally and possibly distributes computation across `workers`. If
# `optimal_objective_value = nothing`, the function first performs regular max min driving
# force analysis to find the max min driving force of the model and sets this to
# `optimal_objective_value`. Then iteratively maximizes and minimizes the driving force across
# each reaction, and then the concentrations while staying close to the original max min
# driving force as specified in `bounds`.

# The `bounds` is a user-supplied function that specifies the max min driving force bounds for
# the variability optimizations, by default it restricts the flux objective value to the
# precise optimum reached in the normal max min driving force analysis. It can return `-Inf`
# and `Inf` in first and second pair to remove the limit. Use [`gamma_bounds`](@ref) and
# [`objective_bounds`](@ref) for simple bounds.

# Returns a matrix of solutions to [`max_min_driving_force`](@ref) additionally constrained as
# described above, where the rows are in the order of the reactions and then the metabolites
# of the `model`. For the reaction rows the first column is the maximum dG of that reaction,
# and the second column is the minimum dG of that reaction subject to the above constraints.
# For the metabolite rows, the first column is the maximum concentration, and the second column
# is the minimum concentration subject to the constraints above.
# """
# function max_min_driving_force_variability(
# model::AbstractMetabolicModel,
# reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies::Dict{String,Float64},
# optimizer;
# workers = [myid()],
# optimal_objective_value = nothing,
# bounds = z -> (z, Inf),
# modifications = [],
# kwargs...,
# )
# if isnothing(optimal_objective_value)
# initsol = max_min_driving_force(
# model,
# reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies,
# optimizer;
# modifications,
# kwargs...,
# )
# mmdf = initsol.mmdf
# else
# mmdf = optimal_objective_value
# end

# lb, ub = bounds(mmdf)

# dgr_variants = [
# [[_mmdf_add_df_bound(lb, ub), _mmdf_dgr_objective(ridx, sense)]] for
# ridx = 1:n_variables(model), sense in [MAX_SENSE, MIN_SENSE]
# ]
# concen_variants = [
# [[_mmdf_add_df_bound(lb, ub), _mmdf_concen_objective(midx, sense)]] for
# midx = 1:n_metabolites(model), sense in [MAX_SENSE, MIN_SENSE]
# ]

# return screen(
# model;
# args = [dgr_variants; concen_variants],
# analysis = (m, args) -> max_min_driving_force(
# m,
# reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies,
# optimizer;
# modifications = [args; modifications],
# kwargs...,
# ),
# workers,
# )
# end

# """

# Helper function to change the objective to optimizing some dG.
# """
# function _mmdf_dgr_objective(ridx, sense)
# (model, opt_model) -> begin
# @objective(opt_model, sense, opt_model[:dgrs][ridx])
# end
# end

# """

# Helper function to change the objective to optimizing some concentration.
# """
# function _mmdf_concen_objective(midx, sense)
# (model, opt_model) -> begin
# @objective(opt_model, sense, opt_model[:logcs][midx])
# end
# end

# """

# Helper function to add a new constraint on the driving force.
# """
# function _mmdf_add_df_bound(lb, ub)
# (model, opt_model) -> begin
# if lb == ub
# fix(opt_model[:mmdf], lb; force = true)
# else
# @constraint(opt_model, lb <= opt_model[:mmdf] <= ub)
# end
# end
# end
46 changes: 16 additions & 30 deletions test/analysis/max_min_driving_force.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,39 +30,25 @@
modifications = [change_optimizer_attribute("IPM_IterationsLimit", 1000)],

# get mmdf
@test isapprox(solved_objective_value(opt_model), 1.7661155558545698, atol = TEST_TOLERANCE)
# get mmdf
@test isapprox(

# values_dict(:reaction, mmdfm, opt_model) # TODO throw missing semantics error
@test length(values_dict(:metabolite_log_concentration, mmdfm, opt_model)) == 72
@test length(values_dict(:gibbs_free_energy_reaction, mmdfm, opt_model)) == 95

# sols = max_min_driving_force_variability(
# model,
# reaction_standard_gibbs_free_energies,
# Tulip.Optimizer;
# bounds = gamma_bounds(0.9),
# flux_solution = flux_solution,
# proton_ids = ["h_c", "h_e"],
# water_ids = ["h2o_c", "h2o_e"],
# concentration_ratios = Dict{Tuple{String,String},Float64}(
# ("atp_c", "adp_c") => 10.0,
# ("nadh_c", "nad_c") => 0.13,
# ("nadph_c", "nadp_c") => 1.3,
# ),
# constant_concentrations = Dict{String,Float64}(
# # "pi_c" => 10e-3
# ),
# concentration_lb = 1e-6,
# concentration_ub = 100e-3,
# ignore_reaction_ids = ["H2Ot"],
# modifications = [change_optimizer_attribute("IPM_IterationsLimit", 1000)],
# )

# pyk_idx = first(indexin(["PYK"], variables(model)))
# @test isapprox(
# sols[pyk_idx, 1].dg_reactions["PYK"],
# -1.5895040002691128;
# )
sols = variability_analysis(
bounds = gamma_bounds(0.9),
modifications = [change_optimizer_attribute("IPM_IterationsLimit", 1000)],

pyk_idx = first(indexin(["ΔG PYK"], gibbs_free_energy_reactions(mmdfm)))
@test isapprox(sols[pyk_idx, 2], -1.5895040002691128; atol = TEST_TOLERANCE)

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