External Resource Monitor
By L4ser Security Labs
Beta - v1.0.0
Automate external resources and assets monitoring.
Showa allows you to automate the monitoring of external resources and assets during active red teaming assessments. Once a resource is down, you get an email notification notifying you of the status of the resources or assets.
git clone https://github.com/L4ser-Security-Labs/showa.git
cd showa
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can use any email provider of your choice but Showa supports only Gmail out of the box in this version.
To allow Showa to send you email notifications, enable less secure apps from your Gmail account. If you don't allow you'll get an authentication error from Showa.
Create a .env
file and add your Gmail credentials.
Add each resource or asset you'll like to monitor on a new line
Depending on how frequesnt you want to run your cronjob, modify the cron entry below:
*/5 * * * * cd /path/to/showa && /path/to/python3 showa.py -r resources.showa -e youremail@gmail.com >> cron.log
To stop receiving notifications
crontab -e
Go ahead to delete the lines created above.
usage: showa.py [-h] [-r R] [-e E]
External Resource Monitor
optional arguments:
-h, --help Shows this message and exits
-r R Path to resources.showa file
-e E Email address to receive notifications
# one-time check status of resources
# If any resource or asset from the list is not available, you'll get an email notification
python3 showa.py -r resources.showa -e youremail@gmail.com