A pomodoro timer for the shell with Taskwarrior connection. A fork from potato.sh with tweeks.
patata -h
usage: potato [-s] [-m] [-w m] [-b m] [-p i] [-t t] [-h]
-s: simple output. Intended for use in scripts
When enabled, potato outputs one line for each minute, and doesn't print the bell character
(ascii 007)
-m: mute -- don't play sounds when work/break is over
-w m: let work periods last m minutes (default is 25)
-b m: let break periods last m minutes (default is 5)
-p i: let iterate of pomodori bevor the big break (default is 4)
-t t: let task ID from Taskwarrior to start (default is the most urgent task)
-h: print this message
How the Pomorore Technique works read and learn it on Wikipedia.
Learn also to use Taskwarrior and you can use them until this script run.
Origin forket from the potato script from Bladtman242.
Notification sound (notification.wav, originally zapsplat_mobile_phone_notification_003.mp3 decoded and saved as wav with mpg123) obtained from zapsplat.com under Creative Commons CC0.