The Automated Lava Rising plugin and there is customizable config and scoreboard. We’ve attemped to optimize it as much as possible. (No empty events or imports were used)
- Winner system
- 6 preset modes
- optional shrinking area,
- Optional server shutdown/activation
- optional area adjustment and more.
- Items automatically appear on inventory. (configurable)
- Ores appear on inventory by smelted. (configurable)
- Game starts automatically after a certain number is reached! (configurable)
Classic: Starts with pickaxe, 16x steak, 16x wood.
Elytra: Starts with x6 fireworks, elytra, pickaxe, 16x steak, 16x wood.
Trident: Starts with pickaxe, 16x steak, 16x wood, Loyalty and Impaling trident.
Op: Starts with pickaxe, 16x steak, x64 diamond, iron, and wood.
ElytraOp: Starts with pickaxe, 64x steak, x16 fireworks, elytra, x64 diamond, iron, and wood.
TridentOp: Starts with pickaxe, 16x steak, 16x wood, Loyalty and Impaling trident, x64 diamond, iron, and wood.
/kterising start: Starts the game.
/kterising reload: Refreshes the config and messages.
/kterising mode : You activate the mode you want.
/kterising skip: Skips the mining part of classic modes
/kterising freeze Freezes the rise of lava
%KteRising_survivor% It’s displays the survivors.
%KteRising_mode% It shows the selected mods.
%KteRising_time% It’s shows the remaining time and how much time has passed.
%KteRising_pvp% It shows whether PvP is enabled or disabled.
%KteRising_lava% It indicates the layer of the lava.
kterising.risingcommand.start: Allows to start the game.
kterising.risingcommand.mode: Allows to change the mode.
kterising.risingcommand.reload: Allows plugin to reload.
kterising.risingcommand.skip Allows the skip mining part
kterising.risingcommand.freeze Allows the lava to freeze(stop)
Intel E5-2699 V4 server with 6CPUs handled 20-30 player comfortably.
For any plugin-related bugs, errors, or suggestions, please contact us via Discord.