The project aimed to discover trends and relationships in the sales data as well as to monitor business performance based on user-centric and revenue-centric KPIs.
Files with extension .sql contain all queries used during the analysis. There is also an Excel file (Charts.xlsx), that contains dashboards and visualizations.
Link to the source.
The dataset collected on Kaggle contains two tables:
- orders.csv
- product-supplier.csv
Columns descriptions:
- Customer ID - Unique identifier of each customer
- Customer Status - Priority of a customer (Silver, Gold, Platinum)
- Date Order was placed - self-explanatory
- Delivery Date - self-explanatory
- Order ID - Unique identifier of each order
- Product ID - Unique identifier of each product
- Quantity Ordered - Number of items per order
- Total Retail Price - Total price for the order (assumed currency: dollars)
- Cost Price Per Unit - Cost of a single product (assumed currency: dollars)
- Product ID - Unique identifier of each product
- Product Line - eg. Children, Clothes & Shoes
- Product Category - eg. Children Outdoors
- Product Group - eg. Outdoor things, Kids
- Product Name - self-explanatory
- Supplier Country - self-explanatory
- Supplier Name - self-explanatory
- Supplier ID - Unique identifier of each supplier
Prior to the analysis the data was cleaned/preprocessed in the following way:
- Formatting of "Customer Status" column in orders.csv was unified
- "Date Order was placed" column was renamed to Order Date
- "Total Retail Price" was divided by the "Quantity Ordered" to obtain "Price per Unit" column
User-centric KPIs:
- Number of new customers per month (date of registration is considered to be the date of the first order)
- Monthly Active Users (MAU)
- Customer Retention Rate
Revenue/order-centric KPIs:
- Average Revenue per User (ARPU)
- Growth Rate with respect to the revenue
Additional metrics/summaries derived from the dataset:
- Frequency histograms (distributions) of the number of orders per or revenue per user
- Top 10 most frequently purchased items
- Top 10 customers by revenue
- Top 10 items by revenue
- Revenue by Customer Status
- Profitability of particular product lines
- Ranking of product categories with respect to the number of orders in 2021