Rewrite of cyferki-watcher-bot in Rust to use shuttle deployments.
Game rules can be found in Rules
- Message Content Intent
- Manage Roles
⚠️ Bot's role must be higher than any role that it sets for this feature to work⚠️ - Read Messages/View Channels
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
Make sure that rust toolset is up to date.
rustup update
Shuttle plugin for cargo is required for building, running and deployment of bot
cargo install cargo-shuttle
In main project directory create Secrets.toml
file with following contents:
CLIENT_TOKEN="" # bot token
WATCHED_CHANNEL="test1" # name of channel to watch
WRONG_INCREMENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="{{author}} learn learn to count" # Content of message sent, when user posts wrong number
WRONG_FORMAT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="{{author}} read game rules - message was not correct" # Content of message sent, when user posts message in wrong format
RANK_WON_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="{{author}}, congratulations on winning rank {{role}}!" # Content of message sent, when user posts message with number winning role
GAME_OVER_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE="Game over! Thanks for playing" # Content of message sent on last number
RANKS='{"10": "973271221112291409", "15": "973282436047839262"}' # JSON with number - rankId entries
GAME_OVER_NUMBER="16" # Number, on which game will end as a string
will be substituted with mention to message's author{{role}}
will be substituted with mention to won role