YUV420 Compatibility with CompressAI to the Hyperprior Model
To use this:
Create a New Virtual Enviornment and Have a fresh install of the Original CompressAI library: https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/CompressAI
Within Newly Created CompressAI library location. Replace the "Utils.py" and "init.py" Files in the ./compressai/datasets directory with appropriate files in Git "changes" folder
Implement similar change in the CompressAI library location: ./compressai/models Directory for the files "init.py" and "priors.py" with appropriate files in Git "changes" folder
Use Python file QualityTest.py to implement models for single image compression -> reconstruction
- Use Python file TestWithOwnNetwork.py to train own model based on YUV Images.
Note: PSNRCALC.py is run seperately
For Checkpoints:
How to run QualityTest.py
Run quality test with the following input parameters:
#dataset directory. Be sure to create a folder with the name "test". In this folder put the SINGLE image you wish to compress
-d C:\Users\path\to\Compressable_Image_folder
#type of Device to be used. cpu or cuda
#Training type/ Compression type. 1 = Separate Paths, 2 = PixelShuffle
--training_type 1
#Lambda that your checkpoint/model is associated with
#Full path and file name of the reconstructed Image
--FinalFileName C:\Users\Path\to\Directory\ReconstructedImageName.yuv
#Location of the checkpoint you wish to use.
--checkpoint C:\Users\Path\To\Desired\Checkpoint\Directory\checkpoint_best_loss.pth.tar
How to run TestWithOwnNetwork.py
#Same procedure as with the original compressAI documentation except for the following inclusion:
--training_type 1 # Training type/ Compression type. 1 = Separate Paths, 2 = PixelShuffle