It performs basic operation with Client-Server Architecture as mentioned below:
- Routing
- DB Operations using mongoose
- Passport-JWT Bearer Authentication
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
- [Express] - fast node.js network app framework
- - process will automatically restart when your code changes
- [jQuery] - client-side scripting of HTML
- - No-SQL DB with mongoose ODM
* NodeJS -
* MongoDB -
Clone the repository
Start mongodb server from another terminal using command:
$ mongod
Install the dependencies and start the server.
$ npm install $ npm start
Launch the browser - http://localhost:8000/
Register new user using Post request with json - http://localhost:8000/addUser
{ "name": "Test", "email": "", "password": "test" }
Login with newly created user & valid credentials to generate JWT token:
{"user_email": "", "password": "test"}
Use the token to view all the users registered on the system.