An admiral simulator.
Very far off from an actual admiral...
by Krumuvecis
- JDK: 18 (download)
- Maven compiler: 18
- Apache Maven Assembly Plugin: 3.4.2
- JetBrains Java Annotations: 23.0.0
- GraphicsEngine : 0.8.15
- MathUtils : 0.2
- Ensure you have the correct version of Java installed (see requirements above).
- Get a release of Admiral here.
- Launch desired mode:
- Normal mode:
- (Windows) run
. - (other OS) run
- (Windows) run
- Dev mode:
- (Windows) run
. - (other OS) run
with argumentdev
- (Windows) run
- Normal mode:
Currently only simulates pressure-wind relationship.
Pressure gradient creates wind; wind creates pressure gradient.
UI needs some polishing, but it'll do for now.
Work is under progress, expect changes.