This repository contains the source code for my Android Class Attendance Management app, backed by a robust RESTful API developed in PHP. Efficiently manage attendance, secure login, generate reports, and more using Android (Java) and MySQL DBMS. Deployed on Google Cloud Compute Engine with Apache2 & MariaDB Webserver.
Click here to watch a quick demo
- Secure login/logout system for faculty members
- User-friendly interface for attendance tracking
- Graphical representations of attendance records
- Generate and download attendance reports (PDF format)
- Seamless registration of new students and course enrollment
- Profile picture upload functionality for personalization
- Faculty profile management system for easy updates
- Android (Java) for mobile app development
- PHP for RESTful API development
- Relational DBMS (MySQL) for database management
- Libraries: Android Volley, Retrofit, Material Design, Facebook Shimmer for Android, MPandroid chart, FPDF
- Deployment: Google Cloud Compute Engine, Apache2 & MariaDB Webserver
- Tools: GitHub for version control, Postman for API testing, Filezilla (FTP) for file transfer
- Clone the repository
- Set up the MySQL database and configure the PHP RESTful API
- Import the Android project into Android Studio
- Build and run the Android app on a device or emulator
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your improvements.