Exclude VAT calculator is web app and progressive web app (PWA) for calculating (substracting or adding) VAT (or any percentage) from amount.
This app is developed with:
- Alpine.js - minimal lightweight JavaScript reactivity framework
- TailwindCSS - utility-first CSS framework) for styling
- Workbox - Google's set of libraries for making Progressive Web App
- UglifyJS - JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit
- copyfiles - copy files easily
Clone this repo, install dependencies and run build.
git clone git@github.com:Kraftbit/exclude-vat-calculator.git
cd exclude-vat-calculator
npm install
npm run build
Run index.html from /build folder in your browser.
You can check how this app runs here - excludevat.com.
You can install PWA on you mobile / other device form your browser window (when you visit excludevat.com)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.