Inspire by the Solarized theme, made this Visual Studio Code color theme extension that will make your editing window look cozy. I've made 3 variants right now and I'll keep expanding it
Note that I haven't fully tested this extension on all available languages. But I will keep updating it if needed. If threre is a problem please let me know.
- Open the Extensions sidebar in VS Code.
View → Extensions
- Search for
Kozy Theme
, choose "Kozy Theme" by Artezio - Click Install to install it
- Navigate to File > Preferences > Color Theme > Kozy (or any of the variants listed)
Display font using JetBrains Nerd Font and file icons using City of Light Icons.
If you want to play around with new colors, use the setting workbench.colorCustomizations
to customize the currently selected theme. For example, you can add this snippet in your "settings.json" file:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"tab.activeBackground": "#ffff",
"activityBar.background": "#ffff",
"sideBar.background": "#ffff",
"tab.activeBorder": "#ffff",
or use the setting editor.tokenColorCustomizations
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"name": "Comment",
"scope": "comment",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#2F3E47",
"fontStyle": "italic"