This repository provides a simple code to estimate the quasar formation rate using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
I am not an astronomer, so the calculation method may be wrong. Use the code at your own risk.
Quasar Lifetime:
- The accepted lifetime of quasars is approximately 55 million years.
- Few papers discuss quasar lifetime estimation. One notable reference is Quasar Clustering and the Lifetime of Quasars.
- You can adjust this value in the code to explore its impact.
Data Collection:
- Quasar redshifts (z) are queried from the SkyServer.
- Due to a server limit of 500,000 rows per query, the Universe's lifetime is divided into subranges, and queries are run for each subrange sequentialy.
- The results are merged into a single dataset. A full list of approximately 750,000 quasars is available as quasars.json.
- The code uses this file if it exists. To regenerate it, delete the local copy and re-run the code.
Quasar Birth Rate Estimation:
- The quasar birth rate is calculated approximately.
Python code is available as
Requirements to be installed is available here.
Age of the Universe: measured in billions of years (Gyr).
Birth Rate: measured in quasars per billion years (Gyr-1).
The quasar birth rate peaks approximately 2 billion years after the Big Bang and then declines sharply. Negative values arise due to errors in approximating the derivative using finite differences on a grid with a limited number of time points.