Kotatsu is a free and open-source manga reader for Android with built-in online content sources. This repository contains a nightly builds with latest changes from the devel
- Nightly builds can be installed alongside with Kotatsu (has a different package id).
- Kotatsu Nightly is likely a Alpha / Beta version of Kotatsu so it can be unstable / more Bugs OR better than Kotatsu.
- A new nightly build will be built and published automatically about
00:50 UTC
Nightly build can be downloaded from the GitHub Releases. Application has a built-in self-updating feature.
If you want to download a stable Kotatsu release please refer to the main Kotatsu repository.
The developers of this application do not have any affiliation with the content available in the app. It collects content from sources that are freely available through any web browser.