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[SEDONA-449] Add two raster column support to RS_MapAlgebra (apache#1150
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* feat: temp push of RS_MapAlgebra implementation

* feat: add multi band raster test

* feat: add 3 argument variant of MapAlgebra

* feat: port RS_MapAlgebra to spark and add test

* docs: add docs for two raster input RS_MapAlgebra

* chore: remove todos

* refactor: use tolerance variable in assert

* refactor: use self join

* refactor: remove redundant check

* docs: add doc to Raster-operators

* docs: add details on type casting
  • Loading branch information
furqaankhan authored and jiayuasu committed Dec 31, 2023
1 parent 0dba5fd commit afe2b6a
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Expand Up @@ -133,16 +133,10 @@ public static GridCoverage2D mapAlgebra(GridCoverage2D gridCoverage2D, String pi
int rasterDataType = pixelType != null? RasterUtils.getDataTypeCode(pixelType) : renderedImage.getSampleModel().getDataType();
int width = renderedImage.getWidth();
int height = renderedImage.getHeight();
ColorModel originalColorModel = renderedImage.getColorModel();
// ImageUtils.createConstantImage is slow, manually constructing a buffered image proved to be faster.
// It also eliminates the data-copying overhead when converting raster data types after running jiffle script.
WritableRaster resultRaster = RasterFactory.createBandedRaster(DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE, width, height, 1, null);
ColorModel cm;
if (originalColorModel.isCompatibleRaster(resultRaster)) {
cm = originalColorModel;
}else {
cm = PlanarImage.createColorModel(resultRaster.getSampleModel());
ColorModel cm = fetchColorModel(renderedImage.getColorModel(), resultRaster);
WritableRenderedImage resultImage = new BufferedImage(cm, resultRaster, false, null);
try {
String prevScript = previousScript.get();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,6 +174,77 @@ public static GridCoverage2D mapAlgebra(GridCoverage2D gridCoverage2D, String pi

public static GridCoverage2D mapAlgebra(GridCoverage2D gridCoverage2D, String pixelType, String script) {
return mapAlgebra(gridCoverage2D, pixelType, script, null);

private static ColorModel fetchColorModel(ColorModel originalColorModel, WritableRaster resultRaster) {
if (originalColorModel.isCompatibleRaster(resultRaster)) {
return originalColorModel;
}else {
return PlanarImage.createColorModel(resultRaster.getSampleModel());

public static GridCoverage2D mapAlgebra(GridCoverage2D rast0, GridCoverage2D rast1, String pixelType, String script, Double noDataValue) {
if (rast0 == null || rast1 == null || script == null) {
return null;
RasterUtils.isRasterSameShape(rast0, rast1);

RenderedImage renderedImageRast0 = rast0.getRenderedImage();
int rasterDataType = pixelType != null ? RasterUtils.getDataTypeCode(pixelType) : renderedImageRast0.getSampleModel().getDataType();
int width = renderedImageRast0.getWidth();
int height = renderedImageRast0.getHeight();
// ImageUtils.createConstantImage is slow, manually constructing a buffered image proved to be faster.
// It also eliminates the data-copying overhead when converting raster data types after running jiffle script.
WritableRaster resultRaster = RasterFactory.createBandedRaster(DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE, width, height, 1, null);

ColorModel cmRast0 = fetchColorModel(renderedImageRast0.getColorModel(), resultRaster);
RenderedImage renderedImageRast1 = rast1.getRenderedImage();

WritableRenderedImage resultImage = new BufferedImage(cmRast0, resultRaster, false, null);
try {
String prevScript = previousScript.get();
JiffleDirectRuntime prevRuntime = previousRuntime.get();
JiffleDirectRuntime runtime;
if (prevRuntime != null && script.equals(prevScript)) {
// Reuse the runtime to avoid recompiling the script
runtime = prevRuntime;
runtime.setSourceImage("rast0", renderedImageRast0);
runtime.setSourceImage("rast1", renderedImageRast1);
runtime.setDestinationImage("out", resultImage);
} else {
JiffleBuilder builder = new JiffleBuilder();
runtime = builder.script(script)
.source("rast0", renderedImageRast0)
.source("rast1", renderedImageRast1)
.dest("out", resultImage)


// If pixelType does not match with the data type of the result image (should be double since Jiffle only supports
// double destination image), we need to convert the resultImage to the specified pixel type.
if (rasterDataType != resultImage.getSampleModel().getDataType()) {
// Copy the resultImage to a new raster with the specified pixel type
WritableRaster convertedRaster = RasterFactory.createBandedRaster(rasterDataType, width, height, 1, null);
double[] samples = resultRaster.getSamples(0, 0, width, height, 0, (double[]) null);
convertedRaster.setSamples(0, 0, width, height, 0, samples);
return RasterUtils.clone(convertedRaster, null, rast0, noDataValue, false);
} else {
// build a new GridCoverage2D from the resultImage
return RasterUtils.clone(resultImage, null, rast0, noDataValue, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to run map algebra", e);

* @param band1 band values
* @param band2 band values
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.sedona.common.Functions;
import org.apache.sedona.common.utils.RasterUtils;
import org.geotools.coverage.GridSampleDimension;
import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ public static GridCoverage2D setBandNoDataValue(GridCoverage2D raster, Double no
public static GridCoverage2D addBand(GridCoverage2D toRaster, GridCoverage2D fromRaster, int fromBand, int toRasterIndex) {
RasterUtils.ensureBand(fromRaster, fromBand);
ensureBandAppend(toRaster, toRasterIndex);
isRasterSameShape(toRaster, fromRaster);
RasterUtils.isRasterSameShape(toRaster, fromRaster);

int width = RasterAccessors.getWidth(toRaster), height = RasterAccessors.getHeight(toRaster);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,22 +159,6 @@ private static void ensureBandAppend(GridCoverage2D raster, int band) {

* Check if the two rasters are of the same shape
* @param raster1
* @param raster2
private static void isRasterSameShape(GridCoverage2D raster1, GridCoverage2D raster2) {
int width1 = RasterAccessors.getWidth(raster1), height1 = RasterAccessors.getHeight(raster1);
int width2 = RasterAccessors.getWidth(raster2), height2 = RasterAccessors.getHeight(raster2);

if (width1 != width2 && height1 != height2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Provided rasters are not of same shape. \n" +
"First raster having width of %d and height of %d. \n" +
"Second raster having width of %d and height of %d", width1, height1, width2, height2));

* Return a clipped raster with the specified ROI by the geometry
* @param raster Raster to clip
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Expand Up @@ -626,4 +626,20 @@ public static GridCoverage2D copyRasterAndReplaceBand(GridCoverage2D gridCoverag
public static GridCoverage2D copyRasterAndReplaceBand(GridCoverage2D gridCoverage2D, int bandIndex, Number[] bandValues) {
return copyRasterAndReplaceBand(gridCoverage2D, bandIndex, bandValues, null, false);

* Check if the two rasters are of the same shape
* @param raster1
* @param raster2
public static void isRasterSameShape(GridCoverage2D raster1, GridCoverage2D raster2) {
int width1 = RasterAccessors.getWidth(raster1), height1 = RasterAccessors.getHeight(raster1);
int width2 = RasterAccessors.getWidth(raster2), height2 = RasterAccessors.getHeight(raster2);

if (width1 != width2 && height1 != height2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Provided rasters are not of same shape. \n" +
"First raster having width of %d and height of %d. \n" +
"Second raster having width of %d and height of %d", width1, height1, width2, height2));
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Expand Up @@ -436,6 +436,126 @@ public void testCountValue() {
assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void testMapAlgebra2Rasters() throws FactoryException {
Random random = new Random();
String[] pixelTypes = {null, "b", "i", "s", "us", "f", "d"};
for (String pixelType : pixelTypes) {
int width = random.nextInt(100) + 10;
int height = random.nextInt(100) + 10;
testMapAlgebra2Rasters(width, height, pixelType, null);
testMapAlgebra2Rasters(width, height, pixelType, 100.0);
testMapAlgebra2RastersMultiBand(width, height, pixelType, null);
testMapAlgebra2RastersMultiBand(width, height, pixelType, 100.0);

private void testMapAlgebra2RastersMultiBand(int width, int height, String pixelType, Double noDataValue) throws FactoryException {
GridCoverage2D rast0 = RasterConstructors.makeEmptyRaster(2, "b", width, height, 10, 20, 1);
GridCoverage2D rast1 = RasterConstructors.makeEmptyRaster(2, "b", width, height, 10, 20, 1);
double[] band1 = new double[width * height];
double[] band2 = new double[width * height];
double[] band3 = new double[width * height];
double[] band4 = new double[width * height];
for (int i = 0; i < band1.length; i++) {
band1[i] = Math.random() * 10;
band2[i] = Math.random() * 10;
band3[i] = Math.random() * 10;
band4[i] = Math.random() * 10;
rast0 = MapAlgebra.addBandFromArray(rast0, band1, 1);
rast0 = MapAlgebra.addBandFromArray(rast0, band2, 2);
rast1 = MapAlgebra.addBandFromArray(rast1, band3, 1);
rast1 = MapAlgebra.addBandFromArray(rast1, band4, 2);
GridCoverage2D result = MapAlgebra.mapAlgebra(rast0, rast1, pixelType, "out = (rast0[0] + rast0[1] + rast1[0] + rast1[1]) * 0.4;", noDataValue);
double actualNoDataValue = RasterUtils.getNoDataValue(result.getSampleDimension(0));
if (noDataValue != null) {
Assert.assertEquals(noDataValue, actualNoDataValue, 1e-9);
} else {

int resultDataType = result.getRenderedImage().getSampleModel().getDataType();
int expectedDataType;
if (pixelType != null) {
expectedDataType = RasterUtils.getDataTypeCode(pixelType);
} else {
expectedDataType = rast0.getRenderedImage().getSampleModel().getDataType();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedDataType, resultDataType);

Assert.assertEquals(rast0.getGridGeometry().getGridToCRS2D(), result.getGridGeometry().getGridToCRS2D());
band1 = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(rast0, 1);
band2 = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(rast0, 2);
band3 = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(rast1, 1);
band4 = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(rast1, 2);
double[] bandResult = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(result, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(band1.length, bandResult.length);
for (int i = 0; i < band1.length; i++) {
double expected = (band1[i] + band2[i] + band3[i] + band4[i]) * 0.4;
double actual = bandResult[i];
switch (resultDataType) {
case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
Assert.assertEquals((int) expected, (int) actual);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual, FP_TOLERANCE);

private void testMapAlgebra2Rasters(int width, int height, String pixelType, Double noDataValue) throws FactoryException {
GridCoverage2D rast0 = RasterConstructors.makeEmptyRaster(1, "b", width, height, 10, 20, 1);
GridCoverage2D rast1 = RasterConstructors.makeEmptyRaster(1, "b", width, height, 10, 20, 1);
double[] band1 = new double[width * height];
double[] band2 = new double[width * height];
for (int i = 0; i < band1.length; i++) {
band1[i] = Math.random() * 10;
band2[i] = Math.random() * 10;
rast0 = MapAlgebra.addBandFromArray(rast0, band1, 1);
rast1 = MapAlgebra.addBandFromArray(rast1, band2, 1);
GridCoverage2D result = MapAlgebra.mapAlgebra(rast0, rast1, pixelType, "out = (rast0[0] + rast1[0]) * 0.4;", noDataValue);
double actualNoDataValue = RasterUtils.getNoDataValue(result.getSampleDimension(0));
if (noDataValue != null) {
Assert.assertEquals(noDataValue, actualNoDataValue, 1e-9);
} else {

int resultDataType = result.getRenderedImage().getSampleModel().getDataType();
int expectedDataType;
if (pixelType != null) {
expectedDataType = RasterUtils.getDataTypeCode(pixelType);
} else {
expectedDataType = rast0.getRenderedImage().getSampleModel().getDataType();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedDataType, resultDataType);

Assert.assertEquals(rast0.getGridGeometry().getGridToCRS2D(), result.getGridGeometry().getGridToCRS2D());
band1 = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(rast0, 1);
band2 = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(rast1, 1);
double[] bandResult = MapAlgebra.bandAsArray(result, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(band1.length, bandResult.length);
for (int i = 0; i < band1.length; i++) {
double expected = (band1[i] + band2[i]) * 0.4;
double actual = bandResult[i];
switch (resultDataType) {
case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
Assert.assertEquals((int) expected, (int) actual);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual, FP_TOLERANCE);

public void testMapAlgebra() throws FactoryException {
Random random = new Random();
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37 changes: 35 additions & 2 deletions docs/api/sql/
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Expand Up @@ -7,16 +7,49 @@ Apache Sedona provides two ways to perform map algebra operations:
1. Using the `RS_MapAlgebra` function.
2. Using `RS_BandAsArray` and array based map algebra functions, such as `RS_Add`, `RS_Multiply`, etc.

Generally, the `RS_MapAlgebra` function is more flexible and can be used to perform more complex operations. The `RS_MapAlgebra(rast, pixelType, script, [noDataValue])` function takes three to four arguments:
Generally, the `RS_MapAlgebra` function is more flexible and can be used to perform more complex operations. The function takes three to four arguments:

RS_MapAlgebra(rast: Raster, pixelType: String, script: String, [noDataValue: Double])

* `rast`: The raster to apply the map algebra expression to.
* `pixelType`: The data type of the output raster. This can be one of `D` (double), `F` (float), `I` (integer), `S` (short), `US` (unsigned short) or `B` (byte). If specified `NULL`, the output raster will have the same data type as the input raster.
* `script`: The map algebra script.
* `script`: The map algebra script. [Refer here for more details on the format.](#:~:text=The Jiffle script is,current output pixel value)
* `noDataValue`: (Optional) The nodata value of the output raster.

As of version `v1.5.1`, the `RS_MapAlgebra` function allows two raster column inputs, with multi-band rasters supported. The function accepts 5 parameters:

RS_MapAlgebra(rast0: Raster, rast1: Raster, pixelType: String, script: String, noDataValue: Double)

* `rast0`: The first raster to apply the map algebra expression to.
* `rast1`: The second raster to apply the map algebra expression to.
* `pixelType`: The data type of the output raster. This can be one of `D` (double), `F` (float), `I` (integer), `S` (short), `US` (unsigned short) or `B` (byte). If specified `NULL`, the output raster will have the same data type as the input raster.
* `script`: The map algebra script. [Refer here for more details on the format.](#:~:text=The Jiffle script is,current output pixel value)
* `noDataValue`: (Not optional) The nodata value of the output raster, `null` is allowed.

Spark SQL Example for two raster input `RS_MapAlgebra`:

RS_MapAlgebra(rast0, rast1, 'D', 'out = rast0[0] * 0.5 + rast1[0] * 0.5;', null)

`RS_MapAlgebra` also has good performance, since it is backed by [Jiffle]( and can be compiled to Java bytecode for
execution. We'll demonstrate both approaches to implementing commonly used map algebra operations.

The `RS_MapAlgebra` function can cast the output raster to a different data type specified by `pixelType`:

- If `pixelType` is smaller than the input raster data type, narrowing casts will be performed, which may result in loss of data.

- If `pixelType` is larger, widening casts will retain data accuracy.

- If `pixelType` matches the input raster data type, no casting occurs.

This allows controlling the output pixel data type. Users should consider potential precision impacts when coercing to a smaller type.

### NDVI

The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a simple graphical indicator that can be used to analyze remote sensing measurements, typically, but not necessarily, from a space platform, and assess whether the target being observed contains live green vegetation or not. NDVI has become a de facto standard index used to determine whether a given area contains live green vegetation or not. The NDVI is calculated from these individual measurements as follows:
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14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion docs/api/sql/
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Expand Up @@ -2202,12 +2202,18 @@ Introduction: Apply a map algebra script on a raster.


`RS_MapAlgebra (raster: Raster, pixelType: String, script: String)`
RS_MapAlgebra (raster: Raster, pixelType: String, script: String)

RS_MapAlgebra (raster: Raster, pixelType: String, script: String, noDataValue: Double)

RS_MapAlgebra(rast0: Raster, rast1: Raster, pixelType: String, script: String, noDataValue: Double)

Since: `v1.5.0`

`RS_MapAlgebra` runs a script on a raster. The script is written in a map algebra language called [Jiffle]( The script takes a raster
Expand All @@ -2232,6 +2238,12 @@ Output:

Spark SQL Example for two raster input `RS_MapAlgebra`:

RS_MapAlgebra(rast0, rast1, 'D', 'out = rast0[0] * 0.5 + rast1[0] * 0.5;', null)

For more details and examples about `RS_MapAlgebra`, please refer to the [Map Algebra documentation](../Raster-map-algebra/).
To learn how to write map algebra script, please refer to [Jiffle language summary](

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Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,9 @@ case class RS_BandAsArray(inputExpressions: Seq[Expression]) extends InferredExp

case class RS_MapAlgebra(inputExpressions: Seq[Expression])
extends InferredExpression(nullTolerantInferrableFunction4(MapAlgebra.mapAlgebra)) {
extends InferredExpression(nullTolerantInferrableFunction3(MapAlgebra.mapAlgebra),
nullTolerantInferrableFunction5(MapAlgebra.mapAlgebra)) {

protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]) = {
copy(inputExpressions = newChildren)
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