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Security: Klantinteractie-Servicesysteem/KISS-frontend

Security considerations


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Snyk is configured to automatically check every Pull Request on new vulnerabilities


Anti-forgery token validation disabled

Addendum: In razor these tokens are part of the framework, we use VueJs3
Impact: Very low, we use Same-Site strict policy and this site is not exposed to the internet

Fix? Later. Date?

OWASP Docker Top 10


The 10 most common and exploited docker vulnerabilities are maintained by the OWASP Docker Top 10. The overview shows a quicksummary of these including the title, description and how / if we have implemented this.

Details need to be fleshed out in seperate md's in /security/docker/1-10


Title Description Implementation
D01 - Secure User Mapping Source Most often the application within the container runs with the default administrative privileges: root. This violates the least privilege principle and gives an attacker better chances further extending his activities if he manages to break out of the application into the container. From the host perspective the application should never run as root.
[Details](\security\docker\D01 - Secure User Check if dockerfile contains a user
Check if --privileged is not used.
Felix: Speciale aanpassingen in .Net Core
D02 - Patch Management Strategy Source The host, the containment technology, the orchestration solution and the minimal operating system images in the container will have security bugs. Once publicly known it is vital for your security posture to address those bugs in a timely fashion. For all those components mentioned you need to decide when you apply regular and emergency patches before you put those into production. We use Snyk with automated PR's for docker images, containers, Kubernetes and Host OS.

- Critical vulnerabilities need to be fixed within X days.
- High vulnerabilities need to be fixed within X days.
- Medium/low vulnerabilities need to be fixed within X days.
- Library package updates are updated automatically by Snyk and deployed and tested after:
1: During development of next new story. Or
2: Periodically every X months/weeks
D03 - Network Segmentation and Firewalling Source You properly need to design your network upfront. Management interfaces from the orchestration tool and especially network services from the host are crucial and need to be protected on a network level. Also make sure that all other network based microservices are only exposed to the legitimate consumer of this microservice and not to the whole network. We use Azure kubernetes, we nee to check how we can comply with this demand in our environment > Not relevant for the current project phase
D04 - Secure Defaults and Hardening Source Depending on your choice of host and container operating system and orchestration tool you have to take care that no unneeded components are installed or started. Also all needed components need to be properly configured and locked down. Determine End-of-life or the project OS, platform and libraries and a strategy to upgrade them. Special attention is needed for then Azure k8s orchestrator
D05 - Maintain Security Contexts Source Mixing production containers on one host with other stages of undefined or less secure containers may open a backdoor to your production. Also mixing e.g. frontend with backend services on one host may have negative security impacts. We don't have multiple environments in 1 cluster, they are always seperated.
D06 - Protect Secrets Source Authentication and authorization of a microservice against a peer or a third party requires secrets to be provided. For an attacker those secrets potentially enable him to access more of your data or services. Thus any passwords, tokens, private keys or certificates need to be protected as good as possible. Local variables at the moment, our production story contains a special section about implementing k8s secrets
D07 - Resource Protection Source As all containers share the same physical CPU, disks, memory and networks. Those physical resources need to be protected so that a single container running out of control -- deliberately or not -- doesn't affect any other container's resources. Resources are limited through the Helm configuration
D08 - Container Image Integrity and Origin The minimal operating system in the container runs your code and needs to be trustworthy, starting from the origin up until the deployment. You need to make sure that all transfers and images at rest haven't been tampered with. We use Snyk for scanning and also for base images checks. Depending on those reults we will update this section.
D09 - Follow Immutable Paradigm Often container images don't need to write into their filesystem or a mounted filesystem, once set up and deployed. In those cases you have an extra security benefit if you start the containers in read-only mode. Our BF front- and backend are stateless and can be considered to be marked readonly because we do not process any files at the moment.
D10 - Logging For your container image, orchestration tool and host you need to log all security relevant events on a system and API level. All logs should be remote, they should contain a common timestamp and they should be tamper proof. Your application should also provide remote logging. We will be using Prometheus and Loki as our own logging stack.


Product Version End-of-life Link
Alpine Linux 3.18 May 9, 2025
NodeJS 18.16 April 30, 2025
.Net Core 6 November 12, 2024
Kubernetes 1.27 July, 2024

There aren’t any published security advisories