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KISS offers the posibility to search for information within specific sources. This search functionality is using Elasticsearch. The KISS-Elastic-Sync-tool is used to create the necessary engines in a an Elasticsearch installation.

Two types of sources are indexed in Elasticsearch to allow them to be easily searched from KISS:

  • Websites (by running this tool to set up a crawler in Enterprise Search)
  • Structured sources (by scheduling this tool to synchronize data from the source to an index in Elasticsearch)

Run locally

  1. Make a copy of .env.local.example, rename it .env.local and fill in the required secrets.
  2. Set up a port forward for Enterprise Search, e.g.: kubectl port-forward service/kiss-ent-http 3002
  3. Set up a port forward for Elasticsearch, e.g.: kubectl port-forward service/kiss-es-http 9200
  4. Build the tool using docker-compose: docker compose build
  5. Run the tool using docker-compose: docker compose --env-file ./.env.local run kiss.elastic.sync [ARGS...]

When you first set up a source

This tool does the following automatically:

  1. Create a Enterprise Search engine for the source. For websites, a crawler is created and run. For structured sources, an index is created and linked to the engine.
  2. Create a meta engine. This is used to aggregate multiple sources. The engine from step 1 is linked to this meta engine.

Relevance tuning

You can use Relevance tuning from Kibana on the meta engine. See also the KISS-documenation (in Dutch).

Supported structured sources

  • SDG Producten
  • Medewerkers (Smoelenboek)
  • Vraag/antwoord combinaties (VAC)


Examples of how to schedule a cron job in Kubernetes with these arguments can be found here

Arguments Description
No arguments Sync SDG Producten
vac Sync VACs
smoelenboek Sync Medewerkers (Smoelenboek)
domain Crawl the website

Environment variables

Variables for the Elastic stack

Variable Description
ELASTIC_BASE_URL Base url for Elasticsearch
ELASTIC_USERNAME Username to log in to Elasticsearch. This can be the default root user elastic or a dedicated user you've created yourself
ELASTIC_PASSWORD Password for the username above. If you're using ECK, you can find the password for the default user using the command `kubectl get secret kiss-es-elastic-user -o go-template='{{.data.elastic
ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL Base url for Enterprise Search. This url is different from the Elasticsearch url
ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_ENGINE The name of the meta-engine that will be used
ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_PRIVATE_API_KEY An API key to maintain the engines. You can find this in Kibana at the url app/enterprise_search/app_search/credentials

Variables for the different sources

Variable Description
SDG_OBJECTEN_BASE_URL The base url for the Objects API to retrieve Producten
SDG_OBJECT_TYPE_URL The full url of the object type for Producten
SDG_OBJECTEN_TOKEN The token to connect to the Objects API to retrieve Producten
MEDEWERKER_OBJECTEN_BASE_URL The base url for the Objects API to retrieve mededewerkers (smoelenboek), or the PodiumD Adapter if applicable
MEDEWERKER_OBJECT_TYPE_URL The full url of the object type for medewerkers (smoelenboek)
MEDEWERKER_OBJECTEN_TOKEN The token to connect to the Objects API to retrieve medewerkers (smoelenboek). Use this if you are NOT using the PodiumD Adapter
MEDEWERKER_OBJECTEN_CLIENT_ID The client id to generate a JWT to connect to the PodiumD Adapter to retrieve medewerkers (smoelenboek). This has to match a setting in the PodiumD Adapter
MEDEWERKER_OBJECTEN_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret to generate a JWT to connect to the PodiumD Adapter to retrieve medewerkers (smoelenboek). This has to match a setting in the PodiumD Adapter
VAC_OBJECTEN_BASE_URL The base url for the Objects API to retrieve VACs
VAC_OBJECT_TYPE_URL The full url of the object type for VACs
VAC_OBJECTEN_TOKEN The token to connect to the Objects API to retrieve VACs


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