Well, listen up, folks! REPLSmuggler.jl
just slipped into your cozy REPL like a shadow in the night.
Demo | Features | Installation | Configuration | Documentation | Acknowledgements | License |
Neo-Vim companion plugin for REPLSmuggler.jl. Send code to your Julia REPL, and get Neo-Vim diagnostics in return.
NeoVim 0.10 or later is required.
Using rocks.nvim:
:Rocks install nvim-smuggler
Using Lazy:
return {
dependencies = { "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" },
See :help smuggler
- vim-slime by jpalardy inspired the design for sending code to the REPL from a buffer,
- nvim-nio is used for all asynchronous stuff in the plugin.
NVim-Smuggler is available under the MIT license.