Welcome to the Kitchin Research group.
You should have a repo we will share at https://github.com/KitchinHUB/{your-andrewid}. This repo is predominantly for us to communicate files between you and me.
Look in your ~/.ssh folder. If you see a file called id_rsa.pub copy the contents of that file to the clipboard. Go to https://github.com/settings/keys and click “New SSH key”, give it a name, and paste the key in the field.
If you don’t have an id_rsa.pub, Then run these commands:
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"
Then do the instructions above to add it to github. This will make it easy to push and pull the repo.
Change to some directory where you want your repo to be and run this command:
git clone git@github.com/KitchinHUB/{your-andrewid}
I recommend you keep the number of places you clone the repo to a minimum because they need be synchronized.
It is probably a good idea to “pull” your repo each time you start working on it to make sure you have the most up to date version.
- Learn org-mode
- The Kitchin Group blog: http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu
- Check out this magit-tutorial: https://github.com/jkitchin/magit-tutorial