This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.2.2.
The repo was created to help sorting out this issue.
The main focus of the repo is to get understanding of unusual file size generated by angular cli build and fix it. So ng serve
might not work and may cause some runtime errors. As some routes might not be present.
The actual code base generated build contains rxjs chunk size exceeding 900KB.
This repo contains very minimal code from the actual code base, still issue can be reproduced. This repo produces rxjs chunk around 221KB.
But, if we comment the line no 10 in app.routes.module.ts
{ path: "initiate", loadChildren: "./modules/initiate-task/initiate-task.module#InitiateTaskModule" },
the rxjs size reduces to around 30 odd KB. However there is one more chunk of js from webpack gets added sized around 180KB
npm run build
npm run smap