###IDEA Takes a docx file and an optional cover image file (.jpeg) as input, produces an epub file as output. Splits the docx into chapters in the output-epub at headings marked with "Otsikko"-style and lines which are marked with the string '¤¤¤o¤¤¤' (the string gets removed before writing the epub).
from command line:
./muunnos.sh input.docx [-u output_name] [-k cover_image.jpg]
Second and third arguments are optional. The second command line argument is always interpreted as the desired name of the output, so in order to input a cover image, output name must also be specified.
Requires shell-environment, awk, zip and unzip.
Supported properties in docx-file:
- images in the text, but for now only if they are of the png format
- bold, cursive and underlined sections in text
- author name, title and language of the document
- different styles, as long as they follow the naming convention outlined above, retain these properties:
- relative font-sizes
- justifications (left, right, centre)
- marginals before and after paragrahps
- left marginals
- cursive or bold by default
The script muunnos.sh juggles the following five AWK scripts.
mu_kuvat.awk digs through the docx contents to prepare the images to be included in the epub.
mu_tyylit.awk finds the properties for styles for the epubs css.
mu_teksti.awk creates xhtml files from the text contents of the docx.
mu_metatiedot.awk checks for usable metadata in the docx.
Finally mu_nidonta.awk combines the elements prepared by the previous scripts and adds the necessary bits to create a valid epub file.