A collection of tools to interact with DN42 registry data
Usage: registry_wizard <registry_root> <COMMAND>
roa ROA file generation (various formats)
dns DNS zone file and trust anchor generation (for use with PowerDNS)
object_metadata Object metadata output (JSON format)
graph Object output with forward and backlinks, path between objects, related objects (JSON / graphviz dot format)
hierarchical_prefixes Hierarchical prefix tree output (JSON format)
explorer Start web-based registry explorer (including a ROA file server)
rtr Start RTR server for ROA data
remove Safely remove a list of registry objects along with all their dependencies
mrt_activity Output active ASNs from MRT RIB dumps along with their last seen time
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
<registry_root> path to registry root
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
For the default build target, musl-gcc
is required. (musl
package on Arch Linux)